I can't believe it - I actually created a mosaic! I'm totally thrilled. It took about 10 minutes - I am NOT kidding 10 minutes - using this tutorial from Diary of a Flutter.Kat. It's not perfect because my hornbook in block 10 is cut off but not bad!
1. Jo Morton LW Club: Log Cabin Tabletopper, 2. Prairie Basket, 3. Lizzy's Little Quilt, 4. Amy's Choice, 5. 2010 $5 Quilt Finish, 6. DSC03611, 7. First Ornament Finish!, 8. Linen Schoolgirl Sewing Book, 9. Jenny Bean Halloween, 10. Primer Hornbook, 11. DSC03812, 12. Scarf for Chris, 13. The Age of Brass and Steam, 14. First Leaf Shawl, 15. Raindrops on Roses by IrishGirlieKnits
Lesson Learned: Sometimes things are not as hard as you think they might be!
These are my 2011 finishes. I'm counting the flimsy in block 5 as a finish. My most recent knitting finish isn't featured here because it's not been blocked or photographed. I'm still calling that one done because it's a HUGE project and it's on my goal list for the year. It's off the needles and that's a finish in my book.
Speaking of my 2011 Goals - here is my list as I wrote on Dec 31, 2010 in the black font and progress notes in red font were added today:
I went to throw this in the trash yesterday and just couldn't do it. I was very surprised by that.
2. $5 Quilt - currently 50% complete. Lots of applique left. Goal: progress
Finished the flimsy - see block #5 in my Flickr Mosaic above
3. Stitchers Garden Quilt - currently 75% complete Goal: finish the top
Progress made but no finish. I actually thought my goal for this one was progress.
4. Quakers and Quilts - currently 80% complete Goal: progress
I don't think I've touched this all year! I don't feel bad about it either!
5. Jenny Bean Halloween - currently 50% complete Goal: progress
Finished and framed. Block #9 above
6. Knit to Fit Sweater - currently 70% complete Goal: progress
Another one I haven't touched and feeling guilt free about it.
7. Per Terras (a/k/a the Albatross) - currently 80% complete Goal: finish it
Done - this is the one that needs to be blocked! Maybe then I'll quit calling it the Albatross.
8. Scarf for Chris - currently 60% complete Goal: finish it in February
Done. Flickr block #12. I blogged about it in January so I met the timeline.
9. Jo Morton's Prairie Basket - currently 50% complete Goal: finish
Done - Flickr block #2. This is the first/only experience with hand applique.
10. Jo Morton's Log Cabin Table Topper - currently 90% complete Goal: finish this week?
Done - Flickr block #1. Blogged about January 2 so I met the timeline.
11. Stacy Nash Peacock Pinkeep Drum and Linen School Girl Sewing Book - neither currently started as I'm waiting on my pre-stitching kit. Since I'm taking a class on this my hope is to finish these both in class with Stacy this month. Not sure that is realistic.
Both are finished! Flickr block #6 and #8
12. Scarf for Mom - not started but have yarn and pattern Goal: Progress
Done BUT I keep forgetting to give it to her. Flickr block #13 or #14 - her choice!
13. Try to do the finishing on an ornament. Goal: Learn a new skill
Done - Flickr block #7
I've surprised that I finished so much - much more than I did in 2010. I've always poopoo'd goal lists. Let's face it, I have more than enough deadlines at work. Perchance said goal list kept me a bit more focused normal? Hmmmm
I'd like to take a moment to thank Teresa who blogs at GirlWithNeedles for walking me through finishing my stitching projects. New things don't come easily to me and she held my hand though it all. It would be very remiss of me to not thank all of YOU for reading my little blog, for your comments, for your support and most of all for your friendship and inspiration! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!