Monday, September 5, 2011

Trying Something New

Before I get to the something new that I'm trying, here is my progress on my Harvest Quilt. I placed the blocks on my design wall without much thought so some rearranging is in the cards. In the meantime, I ran out of fabric. I need to check my scraps to be sure.
Now on to the something new that I'm trying. It's no secret that I've struggled with my 1/4" seam. It's not that I want to be perfect, but I do want to be close. The ladies that own my LQS shared what Harriet Hargrave told them she does when she was here last year for a class. It's all detailed in her book Quilters Academy Freshman Year. Page 23. I'd picked this book up earlier this year. I had gotten up until page 21 when I put it down. Go figure.

Anyways, it involves this notion called the Perkins Ruler. A $5 notion!
It has a hole right at the scant 1/4" place. I put my needle down through this hole.
I then put my seam guide through the hole in the back of my #13 foot placing the seam guide tightly against the ruler.
I screwed it down tight so the seam guide does not move.
Here's what it looks like:
This would work with any machine as long as the foot being used has the setup for a seam guide. A Bernina is not required. I still have some work to do but I must say that my piecing has definitely improved. I'm getting pretty close! I've not had any luck with other feet that have seam guides on it. I couldn't understand why I couldn't get it right and was frustrated. I think it's because those feet allow the fabric to slip underneath and this setup doesn't.

Lesson Learned: What works for one person, might not work for another. Keep looking for a solution! One size does not fit all.

Wishing you a week of Happy Stitches!


Anonymous said... 1

Do you have a Bernina? If so, you need to purchase the 37 foot. I struggled for a year when I first started quilting. Then I got that foot. It's the 1/4 inch foot made just for quilting. I guarantee you it will make your seams perfect!!!!!

Denise :) said... 2

All these gorgeous quilts that have been posted today -- your Harvest Quilt is no exception! I just recently bought a Perkins ruler, too! It does make a big difference, doesn't it?!?

Margaret said... 3

Love your Harvest quilt -- gorgeous! That's interesting about the perkins ruler. Where does one get a seam guide? Or a foot that would allow one to use it? I have trouble getting 1/4" right too. I only have a lowly Featherweight though. Hmmmmm..... Glad it's working for you though. Pretty cool!

krayolakris said... 4

Your quilt is stunning Jackie! Great job!

Deb said... 5

Your quilt is really coming along nicely! It's going to be a stunner.

I'm going to have to try the Perkins Ruler. You can never have enough quilting tools right. I have a hard time getting a good 1/4" seam on my machines too and this may be the answer. I have feet with guides for my Bernina and my Janome, but for some reason they don't seem to do the job and I don't know why. So I'm willing to try something different.

FlourishingPalms said... 6

Wowee, Jackie! What a super notion you've shared! I never had a problem with a scant quarter inch because I had a quarter inch foot on my Bernina QE153, and that worked perfectly for me. However, since giving that machine to my daughter, and going back to my Bernina 830 that doesn't have a quarter inch foot, and not getting the needle to the correct position with the needle turn feature, I've unsuccessfully been attempting to eyeball a quarter in seam! This gadget would likely solve all my problems. What a neat thing! Thank you very much for telling us about this! A labor-saving device (or at least anxiety-saving) on Labor Day. How perfect!

Theresa said... 7

That sounds like a cool tool!!!!! Can't remember where I read it, but someone said "Having the right tool is half the success" and I believe it is very true!!!

Love your Harvest Quilt!!!! It is so beautiful!!!! You work soooo fast!!!!!

Tammy said... 8

Wowzer Jackie, those blocks are so beautiful. Love the fabric, love the design, love everything about it. You're doing a fantastic job. That new tool you found looks interesting, I might have to look in to that.

Annie said... 9

Love how beautiful that quilt looks.

Do you not have a 1/4 presser foot? I use one on my old Singer and I can move the needle to the left to get 3/8" too.

Stitched With Prayer said... 10
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat said... 11

I know my 1/4 inch foot is a tad off and I've been thinking I need to try to do something about it, but I've not seen that ruler....guess I'll have to search online for it.

Deborah said... 12

That will be a gorgeous quilt!

Laurie in Iowa said... 13

Your Harvest quilt is beautiful.
I use the #37 foot for my Bernina to sew very accurate scant 1/4" seams. You might want to give it a try. I thought it well worth the money.

Catherine said... 14

Your quilt is beautiful!!

Ila said... 15

I saw your quilt on Judy's page and it's wonderful! Could you please tell me if it's a pattern? And if you designed it...well...I'm awestruck!

Barb said... 16

Your harvest quilt is looking wonderful....that is interesting...

Julia said... 17

What a great idea. I have a seam guide foot for my Pfaff that is broken and in the shop hopefully being fixed. I haven't been on the computer all week except to do a couple of quick updates and check what's going on on fb. I am glad I'm getting to get caught up a little tonight. I just found out we don't have school tomorrow because of tropical storm Lee which is flooding our area. The wind just started. we need the rain though.

Brenda said... 18

It took me a couple times reading through to understand what you were talking about (I don't speak quilt.), but I get it! Very clever solution to perfect spacing...I do know how important that is while quilting.

Katherine said... 19

I disagree with the comment about a 37 Bernina foot. I have a Bernina and I have that foot and I don't think it gives a "scant" quarter inch - it give a quarter inch. I've lost many a point using that foot. I think your tool is cool. What I'm getting used to doing (since I'm working with a lot of triangles lately - and thus POINTS) I have found that the hole for the feeddogs to move through - the one on the right. The rightmost edge of that hole gives me a scant quarter inch. So, I line up my fabric edge with the edge of the hole and viola! I get a scant quarter inch. But I think I may just have to check out your idea since I have those guides too!

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 20

absolument merveilleux !!!
bisous bisous

Lois said... 21

What a great little gadget! Your Harvest Quilt is so nice!

Melanie said... 22

Huh. Very neat! I've only made a few log cabin type quilts (mostly of the baby-crib size at that) and woooooboy did I have a problem with this too.

Loving the quilt!!! :)

Sally said... 23

Your Harvest quilt is looking beautiful Jackie:)

Siobhán said... 24

Your blocks are beautiful!

What a nifty little notion. I was able to get a foot for my machine that does a good scant 1/4" seam but am glad to see that something like that notion is available--I'm sure I will need it at some point!

Kathy Ellen said... 25

Your quilt is gorgeous! I love the fabulous Perkins Ruler! Must find one! I have not done much machine piecing, as I am an old fashioned hand piecer, but this little treasure would definintely be a wonderful tool for precisely lining up my "foot". I can't wait to find a store that carries them! Thank you for your wonderful "tutorial" too!

imquilternity said... 26

Love, love, love your quilt!! It's beautiful.

Kats Studio said... 27

I love your colors. Looks great! I should work on my qtr inch seam as well. I'm sure that's why some of my blocks do not fit together well.

*karendianne. said... 28

First of all, great blocks. Yummy. Interesting on that ruler.

Carolyn NC said... 29

It's beautiful!

Rhonda said... 30

The Harvest blocks are great. I love your colors and thanks for the tutorial for quarter inch seams.

Nikki Schreiner said... 31

Wow, that Christmas quilting is GORGEOUS!!! So striking! And, great tip with the seam guide, I didn't even know that existed :)

Heather D. said... 32

Jackie, thanks for the comment on my blog (my first commenter!). Thought I'd pop by for a look at what you're up to, and I love this quilt top so far. It's very striking.


antique quilter said... 33

I love your blocks!
great fabrics!!!!!
I probably should buy that tool too
your 1/4" seam is so important , thanks for letting us know about it

Mylene said... 34

WOW! Your Harvest quilt is looking gorgeous!! Such lovely colours you have chosen.