Saturday, May 23, 2020

Total Framing

A couple of months ago, I sent out a couple of samplers to Total Framing (Sherri/Terri) for framing.  This was my first time using them and first time doing framing long distance.  I was really please with the process and the outcome.  I was texted photo options from a couple of angles and quickly made a decision.  Sherri is a stitcher so she gets us!  Terri may be as well but I do not know it if she is a stitcher.  The frame selection happened pretty quickly and then several weeks later, I got a call from John for payment as he was shipping my pieces back to me that day.  They were very well packed and arrived safely.  I use glass but everything was perfect.  
 Elizabeth Atkinson
Hands Across the Sea Samplers
46 count Silkweaver Golden Oats
Called for AVAS 100.3
 Heritage Sampler
Plum Street Samplers
36 Count Lakeside Linen Vintage Meadow Rue
Called for overdyed cottons
 I was so happy that I sent this BIG girl to Sherri and Terri for her spa treatment.  Can't wait to see what she looks like in a couple of months!
I hope you have a great weekend and I wish you happy stitches!


diamondc said... 1

Jackie: Your Samplers are beautiful, I am looking forward to seeing the Big Girl framed.
Have a wonderful weekend.


Samplings from Spring Creek said... 2

I learned last week my framer of many many years is retiring, so good to know there is still a framer who knows how to frame needlework.

Shelina said... 3

These samplers are exquisite in their beautiful frames. They look wonderful.

Vickie said... 4

These were both framed excellently. They are just gorgeous Jackie!

Marilyn said... 5

Both Samplers are beautiful, as are the frames.
Hope you have a great Holiday & weekend!

Mary said... 6

Both samplers are gorgeous and framing shows their beauty even more so. Love the trim on both frames, especially the beaded one.

Robin in Virginia said... 7

Both samplers are stunning in their frames, Jackie. I am glad you had a good experience dealing 'long distance' with your framing needs through Total Framing. I can't wait to see what they come up with for the Big Girl. Enjoy your weekend!

Carol in Texas said... 8

How did you find Total Framing and know that they did mail order work? The results are lovely. I especially
Ike the Meadow Rue fabric and the resulting sampler. Carol in Texas

woolwoman said... 9

Jackie your framed pieces are just gorgeous ! Glad you had a good experience doing this by mail order and are confident enough to send your precious ATS to them. It's been fun doing Sampler MAYnia with you and a great group of gals. I should have chronicled my 2020 MAYnia like you did but I just didn't think of it. Maybe I'll do all 4 of mine in a June post. Happy Memorial Day to you ! Mel

Carol said... 10

These are incredible, Jackie! I need to pull a few of my larger finishes and get them sent to Total Framing, too. Will contact you for the details when I'm ready :)

Robin said... 11

Beautiful work and beautifully framed. Nice to find a framer the “gets” us.