Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mary Clayton

Mary Clayton is finished!  I'm not even sure I blogged about starting this one.  I started it on March 24 and finished it April 13th.  I SO enjoyed every single stitch!  Privately I call this my Pandemic Project and will always think of this time when I look at her.  Each stitch brought me comfort.

Do you do that as well?  Have specific memories that go with specific projects?  This is my second one that has such strong thoughts/feelings attached to it.  The first one is Pennsylvania Alphabet that I blogged about HERE.

Back to Mary Clayton!  She is petite - finishing up at just about 9x10" on my linen.  The linen I used was 40 count Silkweaver in the Precious Metals color way.  I LOVE this linen.  I used the called for AVAS silks, which I also love!

Mary Clayton from Hands Across the Seas Samplers
40 count Silkweaver linen in Precious Metals
Called for AVAS

I hope your stitching is providing you comfort during this time and that your family is well.  Wishing you all happy stitches!


Barb said... 1 are one fast stitcher Beautiful

Terri said... 2

Beautiful work! Congrats on the finish!

woolwoman said... 3

wow , great finish Jackie ! love your Mary and all the comfort it has brought you. You've really had the turbo turned on with your stitching lately. Hope you enjoy her, please show her again when you get the framing done. Mel

Carol said... 4

Such a beauty, Jackie! I am the same--I associate my stitching with specific events in my life and will certainly always remember what I've stitched during the pandemic months. Hope you and your family are all well ♥

Robin in Virginia said... 5

Mary Clayton is a beauty, Jackie! Be well!

Marilyn said... 6

Great job on stitching Mary.
She's on my list, I love that house.
Stay well.

Margaret said... 7

She is lovely!! Is she one of the PDF samplers HATS is putting out? Shows you what a good memory I have that I don't know for sure. lol! I love her! Yes, stitching has been helping me during the pandemic too. I think Frances Grassby and Ann Roberts will always be associated with the virus now. And I definitely associate certain things I've made with certain memories, good or bad. Anyway, stay safe!

tonyamay said... 8

You're needle must have been hot each night, wow. Talk about me being a fast stitcher. Looks great, love this one!

Mary said... 9

Mary Clayton is gorgeous. The colors are so pretty and I love stitching on Silkweaver linens. You are a fast stitcher!!! Looking forward to seeing your next project!! Stay well.

diamondc said... 10

Jackie: She is beautiful, do you do your own framing or send it out.
I have been getting loads of stuff done but not much stitching, sewing for Church has taken a lot of time I am now finished with sewing for a long time.
Stay Healthy


Marie said... 11

Hi Jackie, I LOVE your Mary such beautiful work and colors too! I do think about certain times when I look back at something I have completed and it is joyful usually.At long last I am feeling a lot better and working on myself physically and with my quilting too. It does bring me joy. Stay safe and you in my thoughts. Hugs, Marie

Mariela Alethia said... 12

Hello Jackie,
You completed another beautiful piece.

Claudette497 said... 13

What a wonderful finish - really stunning!

Karoline said... 14

Mary is absolutely gorgeous, congratulations