Sunday, March 29, 2020


 When I was putting our Christmas tree away this past Christmas, I realized that I had not added any stitched ornaments to our collection in 2019.  I was so disappointed in that and decided to take care of that for 2020 early in the year.  So far this year, I have stitched 4 ornaments for our 2020 tree.  Hopefully I will get them fully finished in time!   I'll repost these when they are fully finished.  In the meantime, here is how they stand now.

A Woodland Wish from Blue Ribbon Designs
Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 2014
Farmhouse Christmas Series by LHN.  Called for fabric and threads.
Be Merry by Chessie and Me.  Called for fabric and threads.  I really enjoyed stitching this one.  The kit (from Needlecraft Corner) was a Christmas gift.
This is from Hands on Designs Cranberry Christmas and uses the Sulky threads.  I like the Sulky threads but this is a 32 count fabric and I typically like a bit of a more delicate look.  I would highly encourage you to try the Sulky though!  I love not stranding my threads and only using one thread!  This was also a gift (kit from Needlecraft Corner, scroll down)

I hope you are all safe, have everything you need and that all your stitches are happy ones!


Samplings from Spring Creek said... 1

Great job! I tell myself every year to stitch more ornaments. This year my goal is to complete the five sampler stockings from Blackbird Home for the Holidays book--I have two and a half stitched and one filly finished

Carol said... 2

Great job on the new Christmas ornament stitching, Jackie! I love doing ornaments (as you probably know :) and I'm always happy to see what others have stitched. Hope you are doing well and can work from home. Just hunkered down here in Pennsylvania--sure wish our weather would improve so I could at least get out for a walk. Take care now--thinking of you and your mom--it's such a difficult time for our aged parents right now. ♥

Marilyn said... 3

Great idea! They are showing Christmas movies on Hallmark.
I too need to stitch more ornaments.
Hubby went out & bought a taller, bigger Christmas tree after Christmas, a 9', so I better get busy!
Hope you are all well.

Mary said... 4

Jackies, you certainly are making up for last years lack of Christmas stitching! Love each and every ornament. I have stitched one so far this year, and I was hoping to do one a month. I have a few stitched from previous years that need to be finished...I think that will be a more realistic goal!! Be well!!

diamondc said... 5

Jackie: I love these designs, I am looking forward to seeing the designs finished.
Stay Healthy


Robin in Virginia said... 6

Jackie, your ornaments are beautiful. I really like them all, but my favorite is the first one with the deer. Be well and safe!

woolwoman said... 7

really cool stuff Jackie! I bought that cranberry Christmas in a kit with the sulky threads but of course never started it so I still haven't tried the Sulky but this is a good opportunity to try them out. Hope you and your family are well and safe.