I had indicated I was going to hopefully start a new project while on vacation. As I finished up HallowEden early in the week we were gone, I not only was able to start a new project but I finished the first block shortly after I returned home.
Anniversaries of the Heart
by Blackbird Designs
36 Count Lakeside Linen Vintage Light Examplar
Called for threads (substituted Light Khaki for the thread in the windows)
I do wish I'd used a 40 count fabric in retrospect. You'll notice that I haven't added the personalization as yet. I need to review the entire project and plan out what I'm going to do. I'm now well into the February block - border done and into building the house. I'm really enjoying this project. I think this block is the fastest I've ever stitched anything. I don't have this kind of time to devote to stitching, quilting, or knitting while I'm working or frankly when we're at home. There is just too much else that needs to be done. I appreciate the time I had to get to a good start but recognize that things will be very slow going from this point on.
I spent today cutting out some sashing and cornerstones for my $5 Quilt. I might be able to spend some time tomorrow laying out the blocks and possibly sewing together some of the rows. We'll see how it goes.
I've been watching Extreme Couponing. Wow! I can't see the need to stockpile so much but I'd certainly like to save some money on groceries. Does anyone out there done this successfully long term?
Wishing you all Happy Stitches!