Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Still Knit!

When I started this blog, it was a knitting blog.  Since then, I've branched out into quilting and then stitching.  I don't knit as much as I used to knit but I still do.  Here's the evidence:
The Age of Brass and Steam
Pattern:  The Age of Brass and Steam
Needles:  Size 9
Yarn:  Cascade Rustic, Colorway 12, 2 Hanks (13 grams were left)
Modifications:  1 extra repeat of both the stockinette and garter pattern

There was a lot of dye discharge in the rinse water when I was preparing the shawl for blocking.  I didn't think to throw some vinegar in there to stop the bleeding.  I'll have to do that next time around.  Other than that, the yarn blocked well.
The Age of Brass and Steam

You may remember but this is the project that I was halfway finished and decided to start it again as I'd messed up the pattern.  I didn't mind starting again and am actually quite happy that I did.

Now it's time to think about what's next!  Wishing you all Happy Stitches!


Margaret said...

Very pretty! It's nice to see a knitting finish. You are so versatile!

staci said...

Love the way your shawl turned out! I have this one queued :)

Anonymous said...

That will be perfect for those restaurant evenings when the a/c is turned down to fast freeze!

Beautifully knit!

valerie said...

Beautiful's so versatile!

Nancy said...

Beautiful shawl! You'll be able to wear this with so many different things!

Julia said...

Oh my Jackie, this is beautiful!

Loretta said...

Wow! That is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tanya Marie said...

Oh wow Oh wow Oh WOW!!! I love it - great job.


Tammy said...

Just beautiful - congrats on the finish!!

Megan said...

Isn't it funny how we've gone in opposite directions in the quilting to knitting, knitting to quilting? I'm just casting on my first shawl tomorrow as part of Madelinetosh May. Your Brass & Steam is beautiful!!

Shay said...

What a beautiful shawl.

Not being a knitter (well not much of one anyway ) I had to go looked up "blocking" so not only did I get eye candy I learned something new today as well!

Theresa said...

Beautiful shawl! You are a woman with many skills!!!!!

Simone de Klerk said...

Lovely shawl and how good of you to have started it again. Beautiful!

Annie said...

That is really gorgeous! Perfect for those over-air-conditioned Florida rooms!

mdgtjulie said...

Very pretty. Grats on the finish!

Pat said...

Your knitting is beautiful!

Carol said...

I'm glad you branched out into stitching, Jackie, or I never would have "met" you!

Lovely shawl--you are definitely multi-talented :)

Deb said...

Beautiful shawl Jackie. I really love the color of it. And you know, I always forget to throw vinegar in the water until it's too late.

FlourishingPalms said...

It's beautiful, Jackie! Should you find that it isn't cold enough in J-ville to be able to wear it, I'd be glad to put it to good use here in Iowa!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Beautiful shawl Jackie! I have been looking for an easy to keep track of where I am shawl pattern. Do you think this one is easy to pick up and put back down type of pattern?

imquilternity said...

Oh, it's beautiful! I love the color and the simplicity of it - makes it look really elegant. Congratulations on getting it finished, especially after you had to begin again.

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

oh this is sublime shawl you have lots of talent!
friendships de France

Melanie said...

Very pretty!! :)

Lori said...

Very nice and good for you for starting over. I have a really hard time doing that but maybe you're the encouragement I need. Your shawl turned out beautiful.

Giovanna said...

What a beautiful shawl - congratulations!

Karen said...

I love your new shawl! What a beautiful knitted item, you will have to wait until next winter though. Thanks for sharing!

Beth said...

You DO still knit, and it's lovely! Of course, you won't be able to enjoy it for a few months -- or maybe in the cranked A/C!

Mylene said...

oh, that's a beautiful shawl, Jackie. Great job!

Lina said...

Very nice! :)


TeresaB said...

Beautiful! Congrats on the finish.

Barb said...

Love it!!

Jen said...

This looks like a comfy keep me warm shawl, love it! How did you like working with the yarn? I loved it!!

Siobhán said...

Oh wow, it's beautiful!! Great job, Jackie!

Ruth's Place said...

It looks wonderful.

Tammy said...


krayolakris said...

Jackie, congrats on your knitting finish. What a beautiful piece!

Cari said...

Jackie...I must be asleep at the 'comments' wheel.... I've just finished reading your last 3 posts and they are simply fabulous. I love your's lovely. That charcoal color is one of my favorites.

Love Jenny Bean Halloween too. It's such a great design.

Then there's the quilting post. Oh how wonderful is that?? I had to get out the drool tissue so I didn't short out the keyboard!!

Love, love, love all of your work!!

Sally said...

OOh, Jackie, your shawl is beautiful! It looks lovely and warm.

Micki said...

Your shawl is just wonderful! It is a real work or art. I am sure that you are so glad that you finally finished it!

Brenda said...

Your shawl turned out beautiful. Glad to hear you're knitting addition to the quilting. I love to see your creations on both sides! Have a great weekend.

Michele said...

Lovely shawl :-)

Lois said...

This is lovely Jackie. I used to knit but have done very little in years.