Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Start!

I had indicated I was going to hopefully start a new project while on vacation. As I finished up HallowEden early in the week we were gone, I not only was able to start a new project but I finished the first block shortly after I returned home.
Anniversary of the Hearts by Blackbird Designs Block 1
Anniversaries of the Heart
by Blackbird Designs
36 Count Lakeside Linen Vintage Light Examplar
Called for threads (substituted Light Khaki for the thread in the windows)

I do wish I'd used a 40 count fabric in retrospect. You'll notice that I haven't added the personalization as yet. I need to review the entire project and plan out what I'm going to do. I'm now well into the February block - border done and into building the house. I'm really enjoying this project. I think this block is the fastest I've ever stitched anything. I don't have this kind of time to devote to stitching, quilting, or knitting while I'm working or frankly when we're at home. There is just too much else that needs to be done. I appreciate the time I had to get to a good start but recognize that things will be very slow going from this point on.

I spent today cutting out some sashing and cornerstones for my $5 Quilt. I might be able to spend some time tomorrow laying out the blocks and possibly sewing together some of the rows. We'll see how it goes.

I've been watching Extreme Couponing. Wow! I can't see the need to stockpile so much but I'd certainly like to save some money on groceries. Does anyone out there done this successfully long term?

Wishing you all Happy Stitches!


Margaret said... 1

Beautiful! I want to stitch the whole series too! i love how your first block looks!

I'm awful when it comes to coupons. lol! so don't ask me!

Anonymous said... 2

I'm not that committed to couponing. I noticed that the billboard at our local church had a sign for a couponing class.

Steve does all the grocery shopping and he uses a few coupons, but NOTHING like that show. We don't have room to stockpile stuff like that and even if we could, I don't think we would.

Karen said... 3

Kudos on a great start and finish. These designs are great and can't wait to see yours grow.

I am with you... I can't see buying 50 bottles of cold medicine because you can get it for free or next to nothing. are donating it to a shelter or something.

valerie said... 4

Yay! You jumped on the bandwagon! Snow Garden looks great!

I try to stitch more on vacation but I manage to stitch less than normal. I'm not sure how that ends up working out! lol

My pantry is tiny. I can't imagine carting all that stuff home and up three flight of stairs. I almost always forget I have a coupon to use too.

Gabi said... 5

Gorgeous finish. I like your fabric too. Looking forward to see the next update on your quilt. :)

mdgtjulie said... 6

I'm not really a couponer. My mom occasionally saves me one, but that's about it. AotH is coming along nicely. Can't wait to see your personalization!

Deborah said... 7

Great finish! I am not a user of coupons. They just never have things I use. I am thrilled to be able to comment on your blog. Most of them will not let me. What's blogger up to?

Theresa said... 8

Nice start on this BBD piece!!! You are so fast, first block done already!!!!

I was astonished by how much people can save on Extreme Couponing!! But I agree with you on the stock pile, most of them could feed a whole army with their stock pile!!! I'm not really good on couponing, the time those people put into it is just amazing!!!

Sylvia said... 9

Your new start & finish is beautiful. I hope you don't have to start it over.

I have never watched extreme couponing, but I have a friend who does it and has crazy amounts of stuff. I think it has turned into somewhat of an obsession.

Simone de Klerk said... 10

Such lovely piece of work! I love the colors that go to this project.
How are you able to personalize it?

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 11

Oh absolument beautiful !!

have a good day....

marylin FRANCE

Shay said... 12

You cant get coupons here ...I feel so ripped off.

Your stitchery is darling. You are one talented chickee!

Barb said... 13

You are fast with that it!

I coupon but I am not that good...saved 51 dollars the other day but that was just one time.....

Katherine said... 14

Jackie - you have begun on AotH wonderfully! Isn't it funny how it looks kind of daunting as a whole project, but it really goes kinda fast? About the couponing - I've been couponing for years, even before it became fashionable. And, while I DO have a pantry, I also keep in mind that this stuff, especially food - has a shelf-life. And I don't really need to put my money into 45 deodorants that will last me til I die. Some do. The funny thing is that last Sunday, my husband went out late in the day to get me my Sunday Post. We figure the coupons will pay the $2.50 for the paper. There were no papers to be found in our entire area. One 7-11 clerk told him that they'd sold out at 9AM. I am going to get a Sunday only subscription now. So, I guess Extreme Couponing (while it doesn't make total sense) has affected people

Elle said... 15

I've been following your stitching and it's beautiful. While I miss your knitting posts, it's fun to see and follow a new direction. Mine, in addition to knitting, has gone to a spinning side. While we have been working on re-doing the office at home, I had to bring out my sewing machine to work on curtains and the sewing bug has hit me again as well. Any hobby with needles is a good thing! Keep up the beautifukl work.

staci said... 16

Beautiful! Some day when the xstitch bug comes back I'm going to start this too...definitely not on 40ct though!

Tammy said... 17

Your sitchery is gorgeous. As for couponing, I use some here and there, but I can't see getting a bunch of stuff for just the 2 of us, just because it's a great deal, I don't have the room to store all of that. If I had a bunch of kids it would probably be good though.

Carol said... 18

Such soft and pretty colors in this one, Jackie! It is such a restful piece...

I've seen the extreme couponing shows a couple of times, but it always seems like they get tons of stuff like deodorant, toothbrushes, etc. and not any healthy foods like fruits or vegetables, so I don't get the point of it!

Hazel said... 19

Looks really good. I have this in my stash to start. x

Annie said... 20

That's such a pretty series and your first block came out beautiful. Your stitching is always so perfect!

I've always cut out coupons and have them with me when I shop. But mostly I forget about them and they end up expiring!

Marie said... 21

Hey there,love your stitchery,work is beautiful. I admire your faithfullnes. As soon as my heart surger is over tomorrow I hope I have a new lese on life which is quilating and stitching. Take care and hugs to you.Love Marie

Daffycat said... 22

Oh, a beautiful new start, Jackie! I love the colors ~ so soothing.

QuiltSue said... 23

I love the colours on your new cross-stitch. They remind me of cream and toffee and butterscotch.

Giovanna said... 24

Great start to this wonderful series!

Littlebit said... 25

Hey J!
I cannot imagine doing it on 40 count..I'm working on a stocking ornament on 40 count, and it is slooooow going. Beautiful job. I would love to drop everything to start on this series..and everything else. lol.

Melanie said... 26

Love the colors. :)

I watched that coupon show a couple times just to see what the hype was about. It's impressive, how much money they can save. We don't eat a whole lot of processed foods so I'm not sure I could make it work for me though, aside from cleaning products. Makes me wonder why the local food banks don't hire one of those gals to do that for THEM as a job though. Just think of the stuff they could get to help their patrons.

Lois said... 27

What a nice block, the colours are lovely on this fabric.

Sally said... 28

Your Snow Garden is beautiful Jackie :)

Mylene said... 29

A beautiful design, congrats on the finish!

antique quilter said... 30

just beautiful
your stitching is perfect

Siobhán said... 31

Beautiful! I love your AotH so far.

Coupons--I feel so ripped off that they are rarely available here. As in, maybe once or twice a year I might spot one on a cereal box. It's a joke. I LOVE going to Target and the grocery stores when in the US and buying stuff with coupons. I always want to shout out how lucky everybody is to be able to save money that way. I did a lot of couponing when I was living in the US. Like you said, though, I don't stockpile. The key, for me, was to know what I would use and not waste money on stuff I wouldn't use just because it was cheap.