Here are a couple more quilts from the QuiltFest last weekend. I wasn't together enough to write down the quilters names to give them credit. This quilt won for machine quilting.

Here is a close up of the quilting. I'm so glad this picture came out. You can see a bit of the different patterns in the quilting. Amazing!

This quilt had lots and lots of little bitty strips of fabric.

I'm feeling the need to learn to do this!
I went to the QuiltFest realizing it may be "overload" for someone who has an interest in quilting but knows virtually nothing about it. My goal was to come away with one thing/fact/item learned. Thanks to Jeannine, I have several:
1. Using a longarm is pretty awesome! I was able to briefly try out a Gammil! Jeannine gently pushed me to do it and I'm glad she did.
2: I didn't think I liked batiks. I LOVE THEM!
3: Quilting can be very ornate and arty as well as simple and traditional. I knew the simple and traditional but I had no idea at how arty they can get or how complicated. A quilt with Crown Royal bags? Never would have thought that would happen....