Thursday, October 23, 2008

Knitty Friends

Here are a couple of more pictures from our Yarn Harlot Gathering. I managed to talk to just a few people as I was exhausted from a tough day at work. Here is a link to the Yarn Harlots Blog about her visit to Jacksonville. Kim and Corrina were both mentioned by the Yarn Harlot!

Tracey and Kathy - commonly known as "The Sisters". They're a hoot!
Sitting and knitting in the lobby before the doors opened.

Sock Goddess Kim!

Jennifer and her stunning Pi Shawl!


Unknown said...

That was a wonderful evening! You take fantastic photos too!!

I liked how I could see you right up front on the Harlot's blog!

Marie said...

Hi Jackie, Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a great friend and she and I visit the the Ole Green Cubboard alot . She has famly in Jacksonville.I used to spend a lot of time inJacksonville before alll my family passed on that lived up there but it is as we say just up the road. sounds like a road trip doesn't it?I love knitting and have always done some but since I have been quilting so much it has taken a back seat.My 9 yr old granddaughter saw my needles and wanted to learn so she made some scarves for her dolls and one for her cousin. Keep up the quilting and knitting too and maybe we will see each other some time. Blessings and hugs, Marie