Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy 2023!

 Hello blogland!  It's been eon's since I've posted but I'm still here!  Happy new year!  How did you celebrate?

I celebrated by starting 12 projects between 10am and midnight on New Years Eve!  It's part of the #nye12x12 on Instagram.  The "rules" are technically that you're supposed to start or work on WIPs one per hour between noon and midnight.  We decided to build some time in for meals, etc and started at 10am instead.

Let's be honest, what I was able to accomplish in one hour on each of 12 new starts isn't a lot.  So I won't post a photo of each of them.  I will post instead my list of starts from my planner that I used to plan out (with erasable ink) what I was going to start.   

About half of them are smalls.  I'll post photos when I get more progress made.  The main purpose of this post was to say HELLO! and jump back into blogging.  

I hope you have had a wonderful day1 of the new year and that all your stitches have been happy ones!


Carol said... 1

It's good to see your post, Jackie! You've been missed. I'm amazed at how you all can start so many new projects in one day. As pretty much a monogamous stitcher, I think I would go batty :) Anyway, I look forward to seeing your progress on each. Happy New Year! ♥

Marilyn said... 2

I see your posts on IG, but I still like to read blogs.
That looks like a do-able list.
Happy New Year!

Robin in Virginia said... 3

Happy New Year, Jackie! While I enjoy your posts on IG, I always enjoy reading blog posts. Your 12 x 12 for NYE's looks super. I look forward to seeing your progress on each one.

Vickie said... 4

wOw! I look forward to seeing these. Especially that tree from Liz!
Happy New Year my friend!

Marie said... 5

Hello, my sweet friend, it is good to see a post from you. I have tried to change the settings again on my blog in hopes of someone nice posting. Some of the stuff I had to delete, really sad people are that way. I love you have started things, your work is beautiful. Have a great day and you are in my thoughts. Hugs, Marie

diamondc said... 6

Happy Blessed New Year Jackie: It is good to see a post from you.
Nice choice of 12x12, I do not do Instagram so am not able to participate but look forward to seeing your progress.


FlourishingPalms said... 7

Oh wow! It's good to know you're blogging again... and I'm really glad I didn't unsubscribe from your blog in the interim. What an interesting challenge you've taken on. Not sure I'd be inclined to jump into 12 of any kind of project! One is plenty for me, and I'm even failing at that. Have lost sew-jo in the past month, and looking at UFOs - though I have only a half dozen - fills me with dread. Yet, I will surely get started soon. Since you asked, our New Year Eve and New Year's Day celebrations were extremely quiet. Hubs made a big batch of jambalaya, and we played a little Rummikub. Guess you can tell us old fogies know how to party!