Monday, October 30, 2017

Organization, Some Time Away, and Two New Starts

So hard to believe that October is over and the holidays are just around the corner!  This month, Greg and I escaped to the Smoky Mountains for a week away along with dear friends.  It was just what we needed.  She is a stitcher too and we both started Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow with the goal of getting that top block done.  I was able to finish mine, she decided she didn't like her linen so she worked on other projects.  It was a great week!
Since we've been home, I've made good progress on And Heaven and Nature Sing.  It's been a fun stitch.  I thought stitching all the brown on the deer would be a slog-fest but it went rather quickly.  I should be finishing this soon.  
Before we left, I worked on organizing my DMC.  Thanks to a $.02 skein sale at WalMart and Greg making friends with a WalMart associate I was covered in unorganized DMC.  Since I wanted to share the loot with my friend who lives in a very rural area, I had to figure out what I had.  I decided to use those Ikea boxes I bought some time ago.  I cut a PO cardboard box to make a center divider.
I cut smaller pieces to use as organizational tabs inside.
I ended up with 4 very full boxes.  Very full.  These photos were early on in the process.  After these pics my husbands connection at WalMart texted him to say she had even more $.02 DMC.   I was able to share quite a bit with my friend and I sent some to someone in New Zealand where DMC is $1.69 a skein!  I can't imagine!  I plan on buying two more boxes when our Ikea opens up and then the DMC organization should be done.  No plans to organize any of the rest of it yet!  
It's all logged into the XStitch app along with all my charts, fabric, and other threads except for what I bought while on vacation and have not put away as yet.  I love being able to easily see what I have and need at a glance!  Getting everything in there went much quicker than I thought.  

Tomorrow is Halloween and then we are full on in the holiday season.  I'm hoping to find some calm days with my needles during all of the busy-ness.  I hope that you can too and that all your stitches are happy ones!


RJ said... 1

Absolutely LOVE Heaven and Nature Sing. I'm positive I'll be buying that pattern. Your other stitches are coming along so well too. And I really like how you organized your DMC threads. Great job! RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Marilyn said... 2

Great start on Hawks.
Heaven & Nature is so pretty.
What a nice way to organize all of your floss.

Daffycat said... 3

Such gorgeous stitching! The deer looks amazing. I’m so impressed with your organization!

Annie said... 4

Two of my favorite patterns! The stitching looks fabulous!

$.02? I guess they are discontinuing floss Walmart again? You practically have a warehouse of it now! So nice of you to share with friends who have to pay so much more!

Susan said... 5

Great starts! I'll look forward to seeing your progress on these pieces. And I am in awe of your floss organization!

Vickie said... 6

Heaven and Nature Sing is so awesome! What a steal on the DMC!!

Mary said... 7

I love both of your in progress stitches, the top of Hawk Run Hollow is gorgeous, I have to go look online to see what the rest looks like. I never go to Walmart but I might have to look for 2cent floss...what a steal! I would have bought the store out. Great organization method. Mary

Robin in Virginia said... 8

Wonderful progress on the two pieces you shared! I really love the deer in the KB piece. Impressive DMC organization and your friend must be thrilled to be a recipient of some floss. How do you store the boxes? I notice your floss is in plastic bags. What type of bag are you using? Enjoy your day!

Mariela Alethia said... 9

Wow! that was a great deal on the thread at Walmart. It is so nice to have your supplies organized and easily accessible. Are you planning to work on any holiday theme projects. They are my favorites

woolwoman said... 10

WOW Jackie -you are flying on Heaven and Nature - looks awesome! I didn't know you were starting Autumn at HRH - it's a beautiful piece.
that DMC deal at Walmart was amazing - I can't believe they had it for that price. Happy Halloween ! Mel

Margaret said... 11

Love seeing your two cross stitch pieces. So pretty! Glad you had a nice vacation. As for the 2 cents a skein sale -- wow! Good for you on the organization too. Very nice! I have some of those boxes too. I should get more organized.

Faith... said... 12

That was so nice of you to share with your stitchy friends! I didn't buy much at WM because I have an over abundance of floss as it is - ha ha! I love your start on Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow.

Barb said... 13

I would say you are! Love your stitching....jealouse of your little get away but glad you got to go with friends.

Marie said... 14

Love your stitching, wish my eyes allowed it . So good to see your post!!! Take care and it is so kind of you to share your floss. Many hugs, Marie

Andrea said... 15

Beautiful WIPs. Ahh I have heard of the Walmart skein sale from various people.... and their over-filled bags. LOL. I have organised my silks like you have .... and then had enough, couldn't face doing any more!

UplayOnline said... 16

Heaven and Nature Sing is so awesome! What a steal on the DMC!!


Carol said... 17

Wonderful progress on both, Jackie! I have been putting off stitching And Heaven and Nature due to that giant deer so I'm glad to realize that it wasn't so bad!

Oh, my 2 cents!! You lucky stitcher, you! I'm sure you're loving seeing them all organized :)