Monday, November 4, 2013

Rework It!

Rework seems to be the name of the game for me these days.  This project was a secondary project from my very first quilt out of the Happy Hour book by Atkinson Designs.  Each project had a project that could be made with the scraps.  For this project, the scraps were to be used make a table runner.  I had enough scraps to make three.  I made one in 2009 and the supplies for the remaining two have been languishing in my WIP pile of 19 projects.  The original table runner I gave to my mom and  I didn't really see a need to make two more.  
So I decided to make placemats for my brothers family with them.  I should have just enough to make 4.  Yesterday, I pulled out the box with this project in it and got started.  I thought straight line quilting pretty close together would be a good idea since they'll get a lot of washing.  Super straight lines are not easy especially if your fabric isn't perfectly pieced - first quilt scraps!
I got through almost two of them before I was distracted by something else.  After they're all quilted I'll decide on the finished size.   From what I found on the internet the standard sizes for placemats are 12x18 or 14x20 and I think these will fit in between those measurements.  I'm glad this one will end up being a finish soon.  Reworking can be good!
I was distracted by finishing this stitching project.  It's a Little House Needleworks Ornament from their  2010 Ornament Series.  It's called Pear Tree.   I'm not happy with this finish so I may take it out and do some research.  It's my first pillow finish and I thought it would be similar to the other ornament I've finished myself.  Not so.  I'm finding the pillow finish more difficult.  First off, the size of this ornament probably doesn't lend itself well to a pillow.  It's stitched on the called for fabric which was a 30 count I think.  When filling, it seems the sides draw in and the corners point out.  The channel for the flat finish was more pronounced and therefore easier to apply.  Any tips from the pro pillow finishers out there will be greatly appreciated.  I'm going to visit some pinned tutorial as well.
Another busy week at work is ahead of me and the holiday season is fast approaching.  It's a busy time of the year.  I hoping that as things get crazy that we all get time to do the things that we love and that keep us sane!  May all your stitches be happy ones!


Deb said... 1

I never thought of making placemats out of my scraps, but that is a wonderful idea. It's always good to use up stuff that we have around here.

Wish I could be some help with the ornament, but I have no advise. I've only made one or two and they came out like yours - corners out and sides in. I don't know what the cure for that would be.

Vickie said... 2

Using interfacing on pillow finishes keeps them nice and square.

Annie said... 3

Cool way to make placemats. The simple quilt lines are really effective.

I hate making pillow style ornaments. My always come out odd too. Maybe Vicki's suggestion about the interfacing is the way to go. Carol-Stitching Dreams is the expert on this.. I'm sure she will have some good tips.

Lois said... 4

Those placemats are going to be lovely! No hints/tips for pillow ornaments, mine tend to come out the same way too. Wish I was a better finisher!!!

Mary said... 5

Jackie, doesn't it feel good to take something lingering in the WIP pile and commit to getting her done? I think the placemats will be a most wonderful, welcome gift.

Love the stitched ornament! Have you taken a look at the Twisted Stitcher's insturctions for ornamnet finishing?

Margaret said... 6

Wow, those placemats are going to be gorgeous! I love how the straight line quilting looks! Love the ornie finish too! It came out great!

Catherine said... 7

Love the placemats! My finishes are usually a little wonky too ~ it is one way to know that they are handmade with love!

krayolakris said... 8

Your placemats are gorgeous Jackie!! Anyone would love to have them (hint). I like your ornament. I have use interfacing at times but yours is fine as is. Nice cording!

Chris said... 9

I think that your ornament finish looks wonderful. I love this.
Love this fabric for the placemats and runner.

Angela said... 10

I have never made pillow ornaments for all the same reasons but I do think that yours looks great!

Love the placemat idea :)

Aunt 'Reen said... 11

I love how you "re-worked" your fabric into placemats. Wonderful idea! I think your Pear Tree ornament looks beautiful!

Karoline said... 12

The placemats are a great way of using the scraps & the Ornie looks great

Michele said... 13

Great placemat idea!

Carol said... 14

Lovely idea for the quilted placemats, Jackie! Love the fall colors...

Contrary to Annie's kind comment, I'm no expert!! I do use interfacing and think it helps disguise any bulges and keeps the ornament straighter. I don't think I do anything differently than other pillow makers, but I don't know. If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to try to answer them, Jackie... Honestly, I think your pear ornament looks great :)

Sally said... 15

Your placemats are so pretty. I just love those autumnal colours.

Gorgeous ornament.

Karen said... 16

I love your pear tree ornament. It's beautiful.
I need to try that quilt as you go technique too. You did a wonderful job!

Brigitte said... 17

These placemats are a wonderful idea and with the straight quilting lines they will look gorgeous.
I love little pillows and also pillow ornaments. I think with interfacing the problem should be solved.

Anonymous said... 18

I love the idea of placemats...kind of like mug rugs only bigger and a chance to use up scraps and practice quilting. I do enjoy seeing cross stitch and plan to scour through some sites this evening for easy free designs to keep hands occupied during recovery times.

FlourishingPalms said... 19

What a great feeling to finish a UFO in such a positive way. I'm glad for you! Sorry that work and its challenges get in the way. Have a wonderfully happy Thanksgiving!