In my last post, I left you with a quilting finish. That same evening I picked up my stitching and got to work. Here is my WIP at the point where I did a counting check. Sorry for the bad pics.

And here is my stitching at the end of the evening. Yep, I went to the frog pond. I was off by one stitch in the length of the border. I would have fudged it but I'm stitching each month of Anniversaries of the Heart on one piece of linen and they need to line up. I got caught up late last night so I'm back on track. It hurt at the time though.

Lesson Learned: Count Often. And Then Count Again.
While on vacation, I was able to finish the April block. No personalizations as yet but I do have a good idea what I'll be doing on this one.
A couple of weekends ago, my EGA chapter welcomed Ellen Chester of
With My Needle for her
Long May She Wave workshop (scroll down). It was my first formal workshop and I loved every second. Visit Ellen's blog for
her retrospective . Ellen is just delightful and I would encourage you to take one of her workshops. The quality of the materials and instruction (both Ellen's during the workshop and the written instructions) are superb!
I have only 3 pictures because my camera battery died right off the back. The three photos are of show and tell items.
Carol's Stitched Project Bag - Front
I didn't get specifics on the project.
Stitched Project Bag - Back
Carol's Petit Carnet d'Ouvrages (Designer With My Needle)
Her group of stitching friends each stitched one page making this even more special.
It's tiny and oh so precious!
It's been a busy work week and I'm looking forward to prepping for Thanksgiving and getting a little stitching, knitting, and quilting done over the weekend. Enjoy the rest of your week and may all your stitches be happy ones!