I've been feeling unsettled the past week. Can't focus on much of anything. I managed to stitch yesterday with the Sampler Guild for a few hours. Today I played around with some flying geese. My UFO project uses a method that is similar to this method (very little waste) from Linda at Flourishing Palms. My attention span is short, so I didn't get much done. I've read a bit from a book I'm reading and I've caught up on email and blogs.
4 days ago
Jackie, I'm feeling unsettled too. I'm slowing down on the clamshells and starting to think of a stitching project, but I just can't get into anything. What's going on? Sigh.... Hope you get settled soon -- and me too!
Hope it all gets worked out soon. Sounds like you have something on your mind.
What a great win package. What is the Bent Creek chart? Is it an owl?
Hi Jackie -- I know that feeling too. I find myself jumping from sewing, to knitting, to cross stitch, to machine quilting, to reading - you get the idea. Hard to settle on just one thing. I think it is just the cycle of life but it will be good to get some focus. Hang in there.
Happy stitching.
Jackie, I hope you get things resolved and the unsettling feeling goes away, that is one of the worst feelings....just know that you are loved out here in this blog world.
Very nice flying geese, can't wait to see your finished project. I hope you settle whatever it is soon. Take care.
I hope you feel "settled" soon. I hate when I feel unsettled.....it's very distracting and I can't get much done. *sigh*
I do hope you get settled fast again, so that you can find peace in your mind.
Great win and I love the method of making flying geese that way!
Take care! xo
That must be a horrible feeling - I hope you get settled again soon.
Sorry for the stress. Hope it all works out. I'd want to start stitching those new charts right away if it were me!
Oh Jackie, I often feel like that. Whenever I have a free weekend I have so many plans that in the end I start everything but don't finish anything. But it's a nice feeling anyway.
So good for you to win the Plymouth Sampler chart. I have this project kitted up in my to-stitch-in-2010 folder. But I don't know when I will start stitching it.
You received a wonderful lot of goodies!
Unsettled just happens sometimes. It will pass, and you'll be back to as good as new!
Jackie, I've been feeling the same way. Exactly the same way. Same symptoms and everything. I wonder if some aspect of this is the long-term heat we're having in J'ville. It's harsh. Just my perspective.
Hope you're feeling a bit better today. I guess we all go through periods where we have something going on that gives us pause. Knitting always helps me focus...hope it helped you too.
I think you have to join the line of all of us feeling unsettled right now. I don't know if I should quilt, stitch, needlepoint or go lay down and read a book. Maybe it's this crazy, hot weather that's doing it.
It's like some strange deju vu thing with you posting that method of making flying geese. I had to use that method on my red, black and white quilt and I had never seen it before and it scared the heck out of me. But it was so easy and gave great results, that I know I'll use it again and again.
I would say for now, just go with the flow and do whatever you feel like doing. I'll bet in a week or so you'll finally settle on something.
I know this feeling! I hate it when I get it because even though I know I have lots to do, I'm in a mood not to do any of it. Is it called summer doldrums? I a sort of boredom? Awful, nonetheless. Thankfully, it doesn't come upon me often, and I hope it doesn't for you either. Not a thing anyone can do. Knitting is good.
Hope you are feeling more settled soon Jackie {{{hugs}}}
Jackie, I don't get along well with unsettled feelings. Usually it's when another season is approaching that I get that way, and fall is just around the corner. I'm torn between finishing up some things and starting others.
Congrats on your win! How pretty.
Hope your feeling better soon. I know that feeling too. Well done on winning the superb chart. It's gorgeous. x
Hi Jackie, i hope things get worked out soon for you.
Congrats on winning another contest! The charts are lovely. I love the colors you are using in your flying geese quilt. Nice photo too. Wishing you settled feelings soon. Hugs.
Must be something in the air, I was feeling this way for the past couple of weeks, but it has now settled down a bit. I hope yours does too.
Congratulations on your win, that is a wonderful haul!
I think the unsettled feeling is in the air lately. I've had it for a bit too. I've read several blogs that have said they feel the same way too. Weird.
For me, if I can stick with a knitting project long enough I feel relaxed and renewed. I guess it has to do with sitting still and paying attention to one thing and not the hundred other things going through my head.
It will go away. Just enjoy the moment and see what you feel like doing and leave what you don't. The flying geese blocks are coming along nicely. What a wonderful thing to win! I love Brenda Keyes to bits. I have some of her samplers on my sampler wall. Have fun stitching this one.
Hugs from Holland ~
Which wonderful embroidery, your blog is full of talent
Best regards marylin
that looks like a nice win...I've been struggling with starting a new project but yet getting the stuff done that I need to get done...maybe starting a new project will get me back into the swing of things
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