First up, my progress on Quakers and Quilts. Half way through chart #4.
I think of Heidi every time I pick up my scissors!

My favorite
LQS is closing due to the owners retirement. The shop had been up for sale but a buyer was not found to fit within the required time line. A small section of the shop is devoted to stitching supplies. Everything was half off so I loaded up on Weeks Dye Works and Gentle Arts.

As you can see, I got quite a bit. I know what I'm going to organize it in. But do I do it by name or by color? And what if it's a grey green? Where would that go? So I'm probably going to "file it" by brand and then by name. But if I need a lilac, how do I know where to find one? Or if I have one? Do you keep some kind of master list of your inventory?

I'm trying to have good organizational habits. So help me out. How do you organize your floss/thread/silks? What works for you? What doesn't work for you? Share your words of wisdom with me....I'd really appreciate it!
I file mine alphabetically by color name. I don't distinguish between brands, but DO write the brand on the baggie tag.
The floss is in Floss-Away bags and I can see the various colors through the plastic.
I organize by manufacturer...alphabetically..put in floss away bags secured by an "O" ring....that way I can go to my GAST or Weeks,etc and go right to the thread by name....It might now work for everyone, but it works for me.....btw, you made a HAUL getting all that floss!!! WAY TO GO~~
On those flosses, organize by name.
Trust me.
You'll thank me later when you're trying to find one. Ask me how I know.
Get some big ol' rings and put them on that.
Great progress on Q&Q!! And look at all that floss...I'd be in heaven. I organize all my floss according to make (WDW, GAST, etc).
I would do it by color. I would have my grey green between my greys and my greens, of course then you have your yellow greens and blue greens to deal with too. I would have to see what you are planning to store these in! What a treasure!!!!!
Hi Jackie,
A sale it's always a good thing to stock up. Maybe if you make a file on the computer with names and colors you will now if you have it or not. Or I would probably store them by color and then when you need one look there.
Your sampler is coming up so pretty!
Happy sewing!
Love your progress on the Quaker Quilts, the colors are so crisp. It is beautiful. As for the organizing tips, I use big metal rings that I load all my Weeks Dye Works or GAST, or Crescent Colors on in alphabetical order. I also printed off a list and keep an inventory. I keep the inventory by the computer so when I get ready to kit something up I can check and see which fibers I really need. I store the thread rings in CD holder boxes I got at Walmart that have a label holder on the front so I can put an empty card in so I know which thread is in which box. Hope this helps. Tell me again did you use the Valdani thread for the Quaker and Quilts piece? Marjo
I tend to organize by number, but I am not quite happy with that. I look forward to the tips you get, so I might find my golden tip too!
Lovely threads! Lots of stitching to go.
I would do it by brand and name. That way if a project calls for something specific you can find it. That's how we do at the shop.
I love your Quakers and Quilts! As for fiber organization, I have to laugh! lol! I need as much help as you -- maybe more! I don't know why my fibers aren't organized. It's awful. My DMCs are in order by number, but that's about it!
That sampler is gorgeous!
I guess I am in the minority as to the way I store my fibers. I use the photo boxes and envelopes, but I do sort everything by brand and then by number IF it has a number--like the DMC--and name if it goes by a name. If I had "yellow green," it would have to go under Y. I don't want to have to think, "now would that be by the yellows or the greens?" Good luck with this..what a haul you made!
Your stitching is gorgeous!
How fun to find those beautiful threads at half off! I don't have enough overdyed to organize them, but I do DMC by number. I guess you could organize them by maker and then maybe alphabetically by color name, or by maker and put color families together.
I pretty much just have DMC so organization is easy. I do it by color on those plastic thread winder things. I write on the plastic the color number so if I need more I know what to get. That is it...simple.
i have zero of these, but they look yummy.......
I file my overdyed threads by name of company and then in alphabetical order. I have a hanging file system for those threads - about 10 hang on a hanger, and can pull them out and compare colors if I want to. For my DMC, I have them in those multi-drawer organizers that men buy for their nuts and bolts and those are organized by number - 4 numbers in a drawer and then if I want to change out a color I can look at my DMC floss chart for color variations. My NPI I keep numerically in a large photo storage box.
I go through that with my quilting fabrics. I finally went with a general organizations as in, browns, black, blues, greens, etc. Of course, then I run into these wild prints and am never quite sure where to put them. hmm...what to do.
I'm hopelessly disorganized, so no help from me. Sad to see the shop closing, but what a great opportunity to pick up some of these expensive threads.
Love the look of your sampler. That fabric is just perfect.
Oh you lucky girl!! Over-dyeds at half price. But how sad that yet another LNS is boarding up...
As I mentioned in my email--I sort mine just like FayeRaye. But I don't think I have nearly as many as you--I'm so jealous :)
Jackie...what a wonderful selection of threads...very lucky lady!
I store my overdyed flosses by manufacturer, then alphabetically by color name...I also printed the inventory lists for each company to track what I have. I have them on the O-rings you saw hanging in the craft closet...this keeps them right at my fingertips, and they don't get dusty or dirty. When I am desiging or exchanging colors for a design, I just pull them out and work my way through them to find the color I want to use. I do have the complete collection of DMC, but rarely use them anymore...except as a guide for color selection...isn't that sad! LOL!
Love your Q&Q...I have that design with the Valdani threads, but I haven't had time to stitch it up. Are you using the Valdani...and, if so, how do you like them??
I wanted to say thank you for the sweet birthday wishes and comments on Mara's are very kind!
I organize by brand then by name in alphabetical order. I put them in floss bags ~ same as my DMC. If I want a particular color, I can check the maker's website and view their color samples.
Your cross stitching is fabulous!
If I have the color card for the brand of thread, I organize my thread in the order they appear on the card. Makes it easy to find the thread or a close substitute.
Sorry your LQS is closing, I know you enjoyed shopping there. Though your haul is very impressive.
I don't have any, but think yours are absolutely gorgeous. I don't blame you for stocking up! Love all the color!
Hi Jackie,
Q&Q looks fabulous! Congrats on your stash haul, but it is sad that your store is closing. I organize my overdyed flosses in Floss Away Bags. I write both the brand name and the color name on the bag and then put them on a ring in alphabetical order by color name. Each brand of thread has a different ring, and the rings are in a plastic file storage box. If I am looking for a particular color, I just grab the whole ring and riffle through it. I mainly stitch with the design's recommended colors so looking for a color isn't a big issue very often. Think about the way you stitch and organize accordingly. Do you often stitch by finding the colors that you want rather than by what the design calls for? If so, you might want to consider organizing your threads by actual color rather than color name. When organizing by color, I follow the rainbow Roy G Biv format (red, orange, yellow, etc.). Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :)
Quakers and Quilts is looking beautiful!
WOW! Look at all those threads-what a great haul! Enjoy and good luck with organizing them.
WHOA! What a haul on the floss! Good girl. I've been lucky to snag a few DMC drawers, so I have my floss sorted by company, then in alphabetical order by the name of the color. When I get a new pattern, I can just SHOP at home (on occassion! ha-ha!). Great progress on your Quaker!
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