I'm not feeling like sitting at the sewing machine this weekend. I'm learning that when I'm not "into it" that it's not a good time to sew. So I just sewed the prep work for one of the blocks for my class this week, cut out a couple of things and walked away. The Quilting Class Police are not going to come and carry me off to the pokey, are they?
Frankly, I feel more like knitting so I'm going to spend a couple of hours this afternoon /evening knitting in front of the tv watching a movie or maybe reading.
Here is where I'm at on Ava's sweater. She lives in Texas with my brother and had her tonsils taken out on Monday. Since she's so little (she's just 2) and was refusing to drink or eat anything they ended up keeping her in the hospital for 2 days. My brother is sick himself - just this side of pneumonia - and my other niece has strep throat. It's a good thing my sister in law is well! I sure wish we lived closer so I could help. Instead, I knit and think of them all.

Here's a picture of my
Sweater Workshop Sweater Sampler. I love the nice crisp line at the color changes. Easy to do - unless you don't know what to do! The key is to knit the first row after the color change and then go into your ribbing. I did it here (twice) and the knit row does not interfere in the ribbing at all.

Here is the status of my Dresden Plate block from my
prior post. I picked it out while watching Dancing with the Stars this past week. I'm ok with the current status but when I'm feeling it, I'll put it back together. Or at least give it my best effort.

Since I'm not really sewing this weekend, here are a couple of blocks that I worked on last weekend. Grandmothers Flower Garden - which was appliqued. I thought I'd hate applique and never saw myself doing it. This is fusible applique and it wasn't bad at all and I can easily see myself doing it. It's also sparked an interest in learning the other methods.

This is the Road to California. Flying Geese is a technique I've learned in this class. Also enjoyable.

I should have pressed these blocks before taking pictures of them. They were rolled up in the bag I take to class. But I'm not feeling like using the iron. So I'm not. Hope you've had an enjoyable weekend!
Edited to Add: It's after 7pm here and 84 degrees. I think Spring is already over! Time to turn on the air conditioner!