Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Knitting and Quilting Goodies in the Mail

I've gotten some lovely knitting and quilting goodies in the mail from contests that I've entered on blogs!!!

Marie at Marie Quilts sent this! Love it!

The buttons are especially cute!
Linda at The CraftGossip Blog Network sent me this wonderful pattern!

Thank you both!


Simone de Klerk said...

All looks great! And guess what, on my little needle case I received yesterday for my Christmas swap (couldn't wait to open it) I have a button like the one in the bag (needle and thread) How funny, never saw it before and now twice in two days. Love the tulip bag. Is it made from felt?

Brenda said...

Cool stuff! I like that felted bag. Those tulips are so cute! Enjoy your goodies.

Linda said...

I can't wait to see the results :)

Linda (Craft Gossip Felting)