Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's About Time!

Several things have gotten done that have been long over due!
We all got up early this morning and finally got our tree up and decorated! With everything that has been going on, it's not been a priority. It's been kind of weird without it up and it's nice to have it up and decorated.
This ornament is one that my parents purchased for their first Christmas together 49 years ago.
I should have moved the basket of dog toys!

I also FINALLY got the buttons sewn on the sweaters I knit for two of my nieces!
PATTERN: Sophia's Ridged Cardigan (Ravelry Link here)
YARN: Berocco Comfort Colorway 2723
AND I finally finished G's socks!
PATTERN: Charade by Sandra Park
YARN: Dream in Color Smooshy
COLORWAY: November Muse
NEEDLES: US 1.5 ribbing, US3 balance of sock


Jean in Georgia said...

The sweaters and socks are beautiful!

And I *like* the basket of dog toys... :)

Candy Schultz said...

Wow I wish you could give me sock lessons. Those are gorgeous. Do you do the kichener toe or the flat kind? It looks like kichener. Just wonderful knitting.

Merry Christmas.

Simone de Klerk said...

Your Christmas decorations look beautiful! It really is magical! I am glad you found time to do this! Did everything turn out well after all and did you get over the shock a bit? Your knitting work is unbelievable! So very nicely done. Hope you have a more peaceful week this time!

Debbie said...

Your home looks warm and inviting for the holidays and your finished projects look beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Lovely decorating! I love the sweaters and socks. The sock pattern is so cute.

Kitten said...

I love, love, love that bell ornament. My mother and I used to have ornaments similar to that prior to a flood of our basement (which ruined ALL of our ornaments). Now, I can't find any I like so much for my own home. Maybe I should hit antique stores.

Also, I adore the socks and the colorway as it is knit up.

cici said...

great post.. I love your blog.. such great content:)

Bernadette said...

You home looks just beautiful, I wish mine looked half as nice.

Leah said...

oooh, what gorgeous sweaters, and those are some fabulous socks. you are really talented for having just started knitting a year ago. happy christmas and thanks for visitng my blog. look forward to you posting some photos of your quilts!