I promised pictures from our vacation in the Smoky Mountains and here are a few....

This is G and I at Grotto Falls.

I just can't remember the name of this trail as we actually were on pieces of 3 trails on this particular hike. Even though the fall color is past it's peak this is stunning fall color to me. We literally had a blizzard of leaves falling from the sky. Gorgeous.

One day I really hope to be able to hike quite a distance on the Appalachian Trail. This was our first day in the park. It's inconceivable to me that people hike 2000+ miles. Some all at once!

Stunning views everywhere!

Me....on the Appalachian Trail! So much fun!
I had previously posted that I was hoping to be a lot stronger in my hiking abilities this trip. I'm pleased to say that I was! We only repeated one trail that we hiked last year but I was able to shave 1 hour and 10 minutes off my time! I felt fabulous!!! Being 55 pounds lighter than last year has helped so much. Next year will be even better and I'm really looking forward to it! So far, 2 vacations are tentatively planned for 2009 where we'll be able to do some hiking!
I just wrote a big long paragraph about my weight loss that I decided to delete from this post. Let's just say that looking at pictures of oneself objectively can be a huge reality check and that I still have some work to do mentally. This trip totally rocked and I can really see improvement in my physical ability. That is what I'm going to focus on!