I'm doing my own version of Sampler September this year. I believe it was started a few years ago on IG but thought I'd post about it here too. I'm defining this for me as a sampler of my WIPs. I've pulled 20ish WIPs and hope to give each of them a day's worth of stitching. Most are samplers, but not all and there are several teaching pieces included. I may not make significant progress, in fact I won't, but I do hope that it will reignite the spark for the project.
I'm only showing after photos as adding before photos would make this too photo heavy I think.
Up first was When Thou Art Rich by HATS. I was at a spot - an entire row of queen stitches on a linen that was a similar color to the thread - where I was mentally blocked on this one. I picked it up and something just clicked! I finished the row of queen stitches (which was only about 25% done) and started the satin stitch row below. I'll definitely be coming back to this one soon.

Hannah Hammond by Gigi R was up next. I was definitely not enjoying this last time I put this one away. I can't say that I love her now but we are in a better place. Not a bad outcome.
This is a teaching piece by Jane Timmers of Fancy Work called Liberty Little Sewing Box. This is for a class this fall. There will be smalls and a box from LeHays that will be finished. Super cute.
Mary Barres came out. Hard to see but I completed the ghost alphabet and started that bottom motif. She's a big girl and will therefore be a long term project.
Tocatta 1 by the Drawn Thread has not been touched in YEARS. Why? I have no idea! It's so close to being completed except for the hem stitching which I've never done before. This was, I believe, the very first SAL project of my stitching guild.I started block 10 of Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. The black box outline was already stitched, I do that before I put it away. Everything else was stitched on its day of stitching which was a weekend day. Closing in on the home stretch on this one too.
I'd call week 1 a success! If I focused, I could realistically finish 3 of these before year end. Will that happen? Probably not. That's ok though! I hope you're having a great week and that all your stitches are happy ones!