Sunday, August 25, 2013

I'm Still Here!

Where did the summer go?  School has started back up and I see posts of fall on blogs.  Thanksgiving is just 3 months away!  I'm looking forward to fall and winter and the cooler temperatures, I actually don't like the heat and humidity.  It is still a bit sad to see summer come to a close.  We'll have the heat here for a long time but I'm sure you know what I mean!

I've been in a complete slump this summer - for even longer if I'm honest.  Not much time being taken with the needle.   I finished this AotH block - the October one - in May and just haven't posted it.  Color wise, it's not my favorite but it was a fun stitch.  I still need to map out my plan for personalizations so there are spots left for that.  I have ideas for the personalization but they need work.
My two nieces visited this summer without their parents!  We had a blast!  It was a busy week, long days, lots of fun.  When we were home, the girls tended to be sure they always had one of the dogs or the cat in their arms.  It's a good thing we have 3 so one could rest from time to time!  My boys who are 24 and 33 were with us every day as well and the girls LOVED that they were. Rock climbing, movies, pedicures, zoo, making Rice Krispie Treats...the list of fun goes on.  I still need to go through the photos but here's one to share with you.  Love these 2!
I've been trying to get myself back into the sewing room.  I've thought about it.  I've missed it.  But actually putting something into action just wasn't happening.  This weekend found me spending some time in there and it was effortless and fun - had a good chat with a friend and I think that helped.   It was a relief to talk about it.   

If you get a chance, do visit our EGA Chapter blog.  We had a wool workshop and a exhibit.  The exhibit post is 2 or 3 posts down - it was a really lovely collection from our very talented members.  

Thank you for sticking with me!  I appreciate your visits, your comments, and your blogs.  You inspire me.  I hope all your stitches are happy ones!


Tammy said... 1

Sounds like you've been to busy to sew and/or stitch. The girls are adorable and it sounds like you all had a wonderful time with them. It's always hard to sew in the summer I think. Maybe the cooler weather will help. Hugs

Margaret said... 2

You've been busy busy! It's ok to take a break once in a while. I'm sure you'll get back into it again. So fun to see your nieces -- glad you all had a good time together.

krayolakris said... 3

Nice to see you back Jackie! Your nieces are darling! Thanks for promoting DuClay chapter.

Annie said... 4

Looks like a very fun summer and that's the important thing. Cutie pie nieces and your sons around...couldn't really ask for more. And even a block finish...looks good!

Annie said... 5

Looks like a very fun summer and that's the important thing. Cutie pie nieces and your sons around...couldn't really ask for more. And even a block finish...looks good!

Elle said... 6

Glad to see you back. Yep, summer went fast for me too. Looks like you had some fun times with your family as well. Look forward to seeing your stitching progress!

Deborah said... 7

Sounds like you have had a good summer. It's always good to spend time with family.

Annette-California said... 8

How fun Jackie! YOU got to have other ladies in the house with you this summer. Bet you liked doing all the girly things with them. Your a wonderful Aunt and your nieces look very happy. Your latest block you stitched is so Beautiful - I love the colors. Great to see you post missed you girl. love Annette

Brigitte said... 9

It's so great to see you post again. And one day you will get out of your slump and find your stitching and sewing mojo again. I think we all know that too well, lol.
But you were busy though during the summer and were having a great time with your nieces and your sons being with you, too. From what you write and show it must have been a super fun time.
Very nice AOTH block that you finished. I've just started stitching #4 because I needed some BBD stitching, lol.

John'aLee said... 10

I'm looking forward to cooler weather too! And like you, I haven't seemed to get too much sewing done of late!

Chris said... 11

Hey Jackie! I hope that with the cooler weather your slump will pass. I love that block of AotH. It sounds like you had a great time with the girls. There are so many lovely new designs out there, maybe there is something that will break the slump :)
Have a great week!

Thelma said... 12

That dog's face says it all. You really had a summer of fun!

Karen said... 13

I have felt the same way many times this summer,glad you got back in your sewing room. Having family for a week must have been so fun, especially two girls that love animals.

FlourishingPalms said... 14

Sorry to know you've been in a sewing/blogging slump. It happens to the best of us. But I'm especially sorry to know you don't like the heat and humidity. I don't know where you might live, except Maine, perhaps, where you wouldn't have it. To me, this is nicer summertime weather than in the Midwest, so it's all relative, isn't it? Well, if you aren't sewing or stitching, feel free to blog about what you are doing. It's fun to see you appreciating two cute little girls who you're blessed to have in your life. I'm trying to adjust to the certainty that our son and daughter are giving us only boys. Our fourth grandson is due in January. God has a bigger plan than I can imagine... me with 30-plus stored hand-smocked dresses, sunsuits, and bonnets!

Anonymous said... 15

Your sampler is coming along nicely. The girls are so cute, and so our your pets. I can see why they wanted to hold them.

Been thinking about you, so it was nice to see your post this morning.

Anonymous said... 16

Your sampler is coming along nicely. The girls are so cute, and so our your pets. I can see why they wanted to hold them.

Been thinking about you, so it was nice to see your post this morning.

*kd. said... 17

Your sampler is OMGosh awesome. You do such lovely work. Thanks for sharing the picture of the girls and the pets. What a coollllll cat!

Melissa said... 18

It's nice to hear you've been having a great summer. Your nieces look very cute and happy. Your cat... just hanging in there! ;-)

Your AotH piece is looking great.

Melanie said... 19

Nothing wrong with stepping away from the needles for a break. Sounds like you've had a nice summer. I bet it was fun having your nieces around. :)

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 20

thank you for the beautiful pictures
bisous de France

Karoline said... 21

Great to see a post from you. Sounds like you've had a very busy summer. Cute picture of your nieces

Isabelle said... 22

Hi Jackie, your post sounds like you habe been very busy durng this Summer and your nieces look very lovely:)
Your Sampler is coming along nicely and I love these colors.
Hope you have a great day :)

Dani - tkdchick said... 23

I hope you take care of that slump

Catherine said... 24

I bet having the girls was a blast!! Your stitches look wonderful ~ even if they were done a while ago! I've felt in a slump too ~ here's to it ending!