Monday, December 13, 2010

Busy, Busy

It's been a busy couple of weeks - busy with holiday preparations. Shopping, wrapping, mailing. Steady progress has been made. I'm determined to not have a stressful holiday and so far I've been successful. There hasn't been much time in the sewing room or the stitching/knitting chair as a result. I did manage to finish one of the applique blocks for $5 quilt.
For me, baking and sending out holiday cards is a sign that things are going well. This past week saw cards getting to the post office and the baking of two batches of cookies! It's a small baking session but I'm considering it done. Most of the cookies are gone - just a few saved in the freezer for Christmas Day. These are the Neiman Marcus cookie.
Yes, I have navy blue countertops.
No, I don't know what I was thinking!

I also got a chance to go by the Holiday Open House hosted by my quilt shop. Everyone received a coupon for 50% off any item and all fabric off the bolt was 30% off . Nancy Mahoney was also there with a trunk show. She is a fabric designer for P&B and an author of several quilt books. Her most recent is Treasures from the 30's. Her quilts are gorgeous (sorry no pictures of those). She'll be teaching a class next month at my quilt shop. I'll probably not take her class as January is already busy with business travel and a few other things (more to come on that in late January).
I'm also traveling to Atlanta on Monday. Flight leaves at 6:30 am and I'm back at 6:30pm the same day. Ugh! I'm not looking forward to that. It will be a long day. I have the week after Christmas off and I'm really looking forward to getting back to some serious stitchy time!

I hope each of you are having a wonderful holiday season - one with as little stress as possible!


Pat said... 1

UGH.....a LONG, one-day business trip just 5 days before Christmas. I'm tired reading about THAT. LOL

Barb said... 2

Your block is just wonderful....and I love those cookies....they are addictive.

It is good that you are not getting stressed about things...enjoy the season.

Happy Holidays!!!

Deborah said... 3

The quilt block is gorgeous and those cookies look yummy!

Patty C. said... 4

Your quilt block is just gorgeous -Beautiful pattern and colors !!
Happy Holidays

FlourishingPalms said... 5

Your $5 block is looking like a million bucks! I really like it. I think that scrappy neutral background is what makes it look so good. And those Nieman Marcus cookies... yum. I remember what those taste like, and it's no wonder they're almost gone!

Good for you to be making this time as stress free as possible. Sorry about the trip needed on Monday, though. Guess you can't hope for a snowstorm to ruin those plans!

QuiltSue said... 6

Your block looks lovely, and so do your cookies.

As for Christmas, isn't it funny how we have to actually TELL ourselves not to get stressed?

Vinniey said... 7

Your block is gorgeous and those cookies making me feel hungry now. (LOL) Happy holiday to you too.

Lois said... 8

Your block is lovely - the colours are gorgeous! Safe travels. As for those cookes - they look delicious!

imquilternity said... 9

mmmm...those cookies look really good! Your applique block is gorgeous Jackie! I love the background fabrics you used.

Annie said... 10

Love that block. And I can just taste those cookies in my mind!

Glad you are finding ways to reduce stress. Just think of the Atlanta trip as a one day adventure. That's what I do to lessen stress on those kind of trips.

Unknown said... 11

love that block, and the cookies look wonderful...we made cookies last night for the neighbors...

Isabelle said... 12

Hi Jackie, your new block is just wonderful and so well appliqué:-)your cookies look so yummy !!
Have a nice and quiet day,

Vonna Pfeiffer said... 13

Oh I LOVE your block! It is stunning :) And I laughed out loud about your Navy Blue counter tops. In our old house I had Peacock Blue...I don't know what I was thinking either....

Beth said... 14

I'm trying for the stress-free holiday season as well, but I haven't even *thought* about getting my cards out. *GULP*

Simone de Klerk said... 15

Oh my, Jackie, you sure do sound very busy!I am glad you are on schedule with the things you want to do.
Your block looks beautiful and the cookies - YUMMY!!!
Have a save trip to Atlanta and take good care!

Margaret said... 16

One day business trips are not fun! Hope it goes well. I love your latest block. It's so pretty! We love the Neiman Marcus cookies around here too. Aren't they so good? Or were you good and just baked them with no tasting? :D Not much longer till your vacation! Yay!! Glad you have that week off!

Jodie said... 17

WOW Jackie, your applique block is absolutely amazing!!!!!!! I have such problems with one finished block is quite pitiful...I think I might go back to it though (a year later) and see what I can do with it. After seeing yours, I think I'd like to try again :-)

geeky Heather said... 18

Aw, man, you're going to be here in ATL only for a day?? Rats! I'm guessing there's not even time for lunch in your day. At least it should be warmer here's 20 degrees right now!!

Anonymous said... 19

I think I could smell those cookies from your photo! I love the block. You did a wonderful job. Congrats on getting so much done. I love dark blue counter tops. I saw a model home with them many years ago. I still remember that lovely kitchen.

Tammy said... 20

Ugh I remember those kind of business travel days - killer. Glad to hear your holiday stress level isn't to bad, hope that continues for you. Take care and enjoy the season.

Melanie said... 21

Love the block!! :)

Hazel said... 22

The block is lovely! You're so clever. x

Marie said... 23

Merry Christmas to your home from ours. I wish you a safe journey to Atlanta and home. hOpe to chat more after the holidays. Hugs, Marie

Heidi said... 24

I know the busy, busy feeling Jackie. I wish I could feel like our house was done but there is still so much to do. And then having Christmas with it makes it feel like things are a big mess. But in the midst of it all, I just keep enjoying spending time with needle and thread. Your quilt block is so pretty. Wish I could stop in for real to see it and, of course, enjoy a cookie or two or three... :-)

Hugs from Holland ~

Carol said... 25

Such a pretty block, Jackie. I wish I could say I wasn't stressed out over Christmas--my main problem is that none of the guys have told me what they want. Guess it will just be gift cards this year...

Merry Christmas :)

Anonymous said... 26

Pretty, pretty!!!

Oh so YOU'RE the one that paid all that money for the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe. LOL

How were they?

Mylene said... 27

A beautiful block and hmmm those cookies looks yummy!
I hope your trip last monday went well.

Kim D. said... 28

Wow, your block is gorgeous Jackie! I've made the Neiman marcus cookies in years past and they sure are yummy. Good for you for not stressing. Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Julia said... 29

Another beautifully made block!!!! Guess what? I have actually knitted a baby blanket and I'm working on a crocheted one. I am so proud of myself.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!!!

Sew Create It - Jane said... 30

Your appliqué block is beautiful...

Hope your trip went well..sounds tiring!

Brigitte said... 31

OH my, Jackie, a quilt shop that offers 50% off, that sounds like paradise to me. Never ever would you find something like this here, lol. I think I'd spend the whole day there if I happened to see such an offer.
Your new appliqué block looks gorgeous.

Berit said... 32

That block looks good, and so do the cookies too!

I lol'ed about your navy comment. I like navy. Though IDK about a navy kitchen. ;) I'd have to see it. :D

Good going on the stress-less plan; hope that whirlwind trip went well!

Siobhán said... 33

Your applique block is GORGEOUS, Jackie! You did a great job on it.

I have blue countertops, too!! They came with the house. I've grown to like them, though. ;)

Enjoy your holiday prep!

Micki said... 34

Your block is lovely! Boy, I could eat a few of those yummy cookies!

Anonymous said... 35

Great applique block!!!! Happy Holidays!!!

Anonymous said... 36

The cookies look scrumptious!
Joyeux Noel!

Lee Prairie Designs said... 37

Your block look wonderful and so do the cookies!

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Carolyn

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said... 38

Yummy looking cookies! Your block looks wonderful. I hope you are having a very relaxing Christmas!

Littlebit said... 39

I'm envious of your week after Christmas off! Mine was busier than ever, and that is just with work. I'm so looking forward the getting things back in order and settling in for the long NE winter. Your quilt square is beautiful, Jackie!

Zlaty said... 40

I like your newest block! And your cookies look delicious! :)
I hope your trip to Atlanta went well!

Happy new year!

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 41

Well I do not know what I give for such a small snack cake! lucky
marylin FRANCE