Saturday, November 13, 2010

We're Back

We're back from a week long visit to the Smoky Mountains. Greg & I had a wonderful time and miss it already. We rented a cute little cabin. It was really cozy. Here's a view from the loft:
We had a great view from the back deck. We didn't get to spend much time here because it was either cold or dark when we were there. Not a lot of fall color compared to prior years but he view is still beautiful.
One of the best part of the trip was seeing snow! I wanted to be out in it while it was snowing but the major snowfall happened the night before we got there. The higher elevations within the park got 8.5" so we went looking for it 2 days after we arrived when the roads were opened in this area. There was loads of snow near Newfound Gap. Or at least this is a lot of snow to me. I know many of you don't get my excitement but I've lived in the south most of my life and in Florida for 3 decades. I can count the number of times I've seen snow on one hand and have fingers left over!
We cancelled the hike we had planned for this particular day. I'm not sure I could make it down the inclines safely nor do I know how I'd manage to climb back up. This trail is off the parking area for Clingmans Dome. It happened to also be very windy there.
We did find some other trails to hike later in the week and had a great time. Here is a picture of a favorite water crossing. The tree is really quite sturdy to walk on and the hand rail was worn smooth by the hands of the hikers before us. It was fun!
I should have taken pictures of all the stuff I took with me. I took books, stitching, knitting projects (3), my Jo's Little Women applique and my hand quilting project. Almost all of it was untouched. I read a couple of books and started a new stitching project. It was very comforting to have it all with me "just in case". Greg is always so accepting of all the stuff I like to take with me and never complains about the extra packing and unpacking. This time, I even took my stand up Verilux light which I used every day.

So we're home again and getting back into the groove of our normal life and routines. I have over 400 blog postings to read and hope to get through those soon. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you've been up to while I was gone!


Margaret said... 1

Oh wow! Nice cabin you rented! You're so funny about the snow. Here I am reading various blogs where they've already had their first snow of the year and dreading the mere idea and there you are, all happy to see snow! lol! I am so not looking forward to snow! Welcome home! Glad you had a good time!

Beth said... 2

Looks beautiful! Glad you had a relaxing, safe trip!

Theresa said... 3

Sounds like a wonderful vacation!!!! The scenery is so beautiful!!!!! I'm glad you had a great time!

Annie said... 4

That looks like such a fun trip and a great place to stay. But you can keep the snow all to yourself!

Anonymous said... 5

Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! We didn't get up the mountains this year. I'm living vicariously through YOUR pictures.

The cabin looks lovely. What town did you stay in?

Unknown said... 6

smokey mountains, love them, live near should have came to see me, lol

Nancy said... 7

Sounds like you had a wonderful time! The cabin is beautiful. It must have been a fun place to stay, and I love the view, and I LOVE the snow!

FlourishingPalms said... 8

What a nice trip for you! Gosh, that cabin looks wonderful... both the inside and the outside views! I may have to get your info about that place for one of our vacations. But we'll go at another time. We can certainly do without the snow. Why don't you just come and visit me some winter? I'll help you get your fill of it!

Thanks for sharing about your trip. I'll be looking up that Verilux light too. If you like it, maybe I'd like one.

Zlaty said... 9

I can see while you miss the cabin already! Looks very cozy and comfy!
Glad you had a great vacation!

Barb said... 10

Just love the pictures, I am really enjoying the trees here in Virginia, so beautiful. What a view from your cabin...glad you had a good time. Glad you are back!

QuiltSue said... 11

It looks really beautiful, I'm not surprised you are missing it now.

Sherri said... 12

What a wonderful vacation, thanks for sharing photos. The cabin looks adorable. The Smokeys is my favorite part of the country and we were just there for 10 days in October. Didn't see any snow, though :)

I always pack more projects than I work on during vacations. You're right, it's just nice to have them with you.

staci said... 13

Wonderful pictures Jackie! Your cabin did look cozy indeed. So glad you got to see some snow :)

Daffycat said... 14

That looks like a really gorgeous place to spend a week. That cabin is awesome!

I usually take loads of stuff with me too. It rarely gets used much but you are right, it's comforting.

Tammy said... 15

So beautiful - I LOVE the Smokey Mountains. In fact I rented a cabin with some friends one year and we had so much fun shopping in Pigeon Forge, driving the mountains, going to Ashville and to the Biltmore estate and it's just a beautiful place, although I'd call them hills compared to the mountains we have here out west, but lovely in the fall for sure and the people are so friendly!

Anonymous said... 16

Hi...I adore the Smoky Mountains and have visited there often. Great photos. Love Florida as well...have family living in Brooksville. Love that yarn in your previous post...colors are gorgeous!! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comments.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said... 17

Gorgeous photos! I love when the snow is fresh and scattered like that.

imquilternity said... 18

I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip. The cabin looks like a great place and perfect for moutains and snow. I get your excitement. Although I lived in Denver for a year and had a very snowy winter, it's still a lot of fun to go looking for snow!! The scenery is just beautiful too....I'll bet it was very peaceful.

Lois said... 19

What a lovely place you stayed in! I really enjoyed seeing the pics and reading about your trip.

Brigitte said... 20

What a wonderful week you must have had. The cabin in the woods (title of a stitching chart, lol) looks so cozy. And wow, great scenery! I can understand that you just love snow as you haven't seen much of it in your life. For me it would have to be the opposite to make me happy - a winter without any snow and ice, lol.

Lori said... 21

I love the Smokies. Your trip sounds wonderful. Can I ask who or what company you rented your cabin from? We might make a trip back in March.

Carol said... 22

That looks like my kind of vacation, Jackie! What a lovely "cabin" and I just love that view. That is actually the type of place I dream of retiring to someday...

Glad you returned all relaxed and ready to take on the holiday season :)

Anonymous said... 23

The cabin looks so inviting! I am glad you had such a refreshing experience. WOW, 400 blog posts to read. I barely keep up with email. Looking forward to seeing your new stitching project.

woolwoman said... 24

Good to hear you had such a great time Jackie - of course it's just nice to be away no matter what the weather. Hope you get back in the swing easily. Mel

Mylene said... 25

Amazing views! Thanks for sharing the pictures, Jackie.

...the same over here, everytime we go away even if only for a weekend i take books, stitching and mostly they were untouched...luckily no comments from DH.

Anonymous said... 26

WOW...I'm loving the cabin you rented. Could you send me some info on it? Looks like someplace hubby would thoroughly enjoy with daily hikes and such.

Teresa said... 27

Looks like a wonderful getaway to me - I would love to see the snow too.

Kim D. said... 28

Welcome back Jackie! What a cozy cabin, looks perfect for relaxing and enjoying your vacation. The scenery is just outstanding, such beautiful country. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Sally said... 29

Oh wow what a fantastic trip! Love the cabin and the scenery is beautiful.

Vals Quilting said... 30

Hi Jackie, it's been a while for me to be commenting but I sew think of you often :) What an amazing trip, I'm used to the snow and LOVE it up here in Canada...
Good photos!

Siobhán said... 31

Wow, it looks like a fantastic place that you stayed at--and a great area, too. I'm glad you had a good time! I'd love to do that sometime--just go rent a cabin somewhere and enjoy the area. I love visiting relatives but think I'm fed up with it being our only vacation! Good luck getting back into the swing of being home again!

Amy said... 32

I'm on the flipside of you Jackie----I've lived with snow my WHOLE life. I don't know what it would be like NOT to see snow as Christmas time :0)

BEAUTIFUL pics! A lovely looking time!

Micki said... 33

Looks like an incredible trip. I stayed in a cabin at Yellowstone Nat'l Park and loved it. Glad that you had a great time!

Carolyn NC said... 34

What gorgeous pictures!

Simone de Klerk said... 35

You must have had a great time! Wow! And you even saw snow. You probably don't see that very often.

Kathleen said... 36

Sounds like a great week. Since it was free, hiking in the woods was often our entertainment when our kids were little. Then even when money got more plentiful it was a favorite thing to do. The Smokies are a beautiful place to walk, sightsee and just be. Glad you had a chance to do it.

Abby and Stephanie said... 37

Beautiful trip. I love the mountains and cabins. Always peaceful.

Anonymous said... 38

what a wondeerful place, it looks so beautiful, cosy and so relaxing... I really need a place like that right now.

Sparky said... 39

What a gorgeous cabin, view and serenity in abundance..great shots.

Marjo said... 40

Oh, that is one of the things I miss the most about the South. I absolutely love the area you were in and I have hiked there since I was in high school. Many an hour in that part of the park. I haven't been in forever and thanks so much for a glimpse of home for me. ( and I get you on the snow, until we moved here I had never seen much snow, of course now it is part of daily life for most of the year but it has not lost it's magic for me). We did get a dump of snow on Thanksgiving, made the landscape look like something out of a post card. Oh, I love your photos. Thanks so much.