Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thank You Contest!

It's past time that I have a contest to thank you all for visiting my blog! This is my first contest and I hope you think it's a good one!

So....let's get down to business! Since this blog started off being a knitting blog my knitting related prize is first.

Knitting Prize:
Mind's Eye Sock Yarn Colorway: Acid Wash 400 yard
2 skeins Malabrigo Lace Colorway: Lettuce
There are a few yards missing from the caked up yarn. Delicious stuff!
The Quilting Prize:
Little Charmers Pattern
Charm Pack, Blessings Fabric Line (Moda)
I ended up with 2 of these patterns somehow!
Stitching Prize:
I'm a new stitcher so I bought these for this contest!
Weeks Dye Works Overdyed Cotton Floss
Colorways: Pelican Gray, Pecan, Union Blue, Williamsburg Red
Overdyed Cotton Floss from The Gentle Art
Colorways: Dark Chocolate, Weathered Barn, Chamomile, Gold Leaf and Maple Syrup
The Sewing Prize:
Readers Digest Complete Guide to Sewing
1995 Edition
If you ever have any plans to sew garments, this is the book for you. I ended up with 2 of these.
I'm not much on rules so there won't be many. This contest is simply to thank those of you who visit my blog. I'm not going to make you jump through any hoops to work for an entry.

Simply leave a comment telling me which prize you'd like. Can't decide which one? Leave a comment for each one!!! The only real rule I'm going to have is that you can win only one prize!

I will ship if you live outside the U.S.!!!

I'm not sure how long the contest will be open...probably just a few days.

Note: I'll probably not ship any chocolate with these as it's already pretty warm here. I think it would melt during shipping. I know you all love chocolate! :)

I'd like to thank each of you for your friendship, your comments, your support and for just being you. I've learned so much from your blogs and your emails. I've gotten so much more out of blogging than I ever could have imagined. You totally rock!

Don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you! Several of you have "no reply" as your email address!


lesthook said...

What a great contest! I would love the quilting one for sure! Happy blogiversary!

lesthook said...

Oop0s! Not an anniversary! I need to learn to read,LOL!

Hazel said...

Oooh and if I am allowed to enter again then I'll def go for the threads.

Hazel said...

Ooooh what a great giveaway! I'd love the yarn for the knitting. I can't get that stuff over here. x

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

What a fun contest! You have chosen some wonderful looking prizes. I would have to choose the quilting package though.

Isn't the warm weather delicious?

Barb said...

Looks like I got back online just in time, I love the charm pack and the stitchery...what an awesome giveaway!!

Zlaty said...

Hi Jackie,

Congratulation on your first contest! Looks like I am the lucky number one commenter! :))
I enjoy visiting your blog and see what you are working on!
I hope some day to learn to knit like you. I would love to win the charm pack and the pattern.

Thank you for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Just stopped by to say Happy Easter! Wow, what a give-away contest! All the prizes are wonderful.

Unknown said...

What a great blog and you are so busy! I would love to be in the contest and to win the Charmers and Moda fabric would be fantastic.

valerie said...

How lovely to put on a contest! I'm a floss fanatic...I'd love to be entered in your threads giveaway! Thanks! Happy Easter!!

Unknown said...

Oh and I would love to go in for the threads pack too....

And I love the dark jersey you are knitting too, very nice cable.

Theresa said...

And if I may, I would like to enter for the quilting one, too!!!!! Thank you sooo much!!

Theresa said...

Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!!!! Since I can never learn how to knit, I will have to pass on the beautiful yarns and go for the cross stitch threads!!!!

Marie said...

Jackie what a wonderful thoughtful way to share with your blog friends. We all learn so much from each other. I love your yarn as I love to dabble with knitting too. Quilting is a passion all, your gifts are great and will be gladly received by the person who gets them. Thanks for being such a sweet blogger friend!HUgs, Marie

Sharlotte said...

I would like to enter the Quilting drawing.The pattern and fabric looks great!

Jolene said...

Love the Color of that Malabrigo Lace... perfect green :)

I'd love to compete for the yarn pack, please!

Jolene (jobodesigns on Ravelry)

Sharlotte said...

I would also love to enter the drawing for the stitching prize. One can ever have too much floss! :)

Pat said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all your projects, although sometimes I have been envious of your weather, I must admit!!! LOL Since I don't knit...and my eyes have given me trouble lately with stitching, I'd prefer the quilting prize. You are really very kind to do this giveaway. Hope you are having a happy Easter weekend.

Lynn said...

Great contest. I love the floss. The sewing book is great too. Thanks.

Susan said...

It's hard to decide between the yarn or the charm pack and pattern....ok, I pick the yarn!

Tammy said...

Wow, what a wonderful and inclusive giveaway. So sweet of you to do something so generous. I'd love to win the quilters giveaway, so sign me up please. Not that I ever win a darn thing, but it's good to try. Hugs and Happy Easter.

Maria said...

Hi Jackie,
What a fun contest, I think I would like to win the knitting prize. And I agree, it is getting too warm to send chocolate. I think we skipped Spring and went right into Summer, yikes.

lynda said...

Thanks for such a great contest. I'd love a chance to win your stitching prize. Thanks again~!

Beth said...

How generous! I choose stitching!

Daffycat said...

Wow, lots of prizes! Enter me for the stitching prize, please!

Margaret said...

Oh what the heck, I'll go for the xs prize too. lol!

Margaret said...

I will also go for the quilting prize. Hee hee!

Margaret said...

What fun! Thank you, Jackie! I think I'm going for two. The first is the knitting prize. :D

Elle said...

Jackie, what a wonderful idea and some great prizes too! If you must put my name in, let it be for the yarn but please don't feel that you have to put my name in. I am mainly just touching base with you and wanted to tell you that I truly enjoy reading your blog although I don't get much time to comment. I hope to meet up with you at Stitches in a couple of weeks! -Liana

FlourishingPalms said...

What a nice Easter gift opportunity! I'd be charmed to win the Little Charmers book and fabric. They're well... err... charming! And you're a charmer yourself. I'm so glad to know you, Jackie!

Abby said...

You're so sweet to do this! I've so appreciated all your comments and I've loved following you in all your creative adventures! I think my mom would love a table runner made with those charms!

Faye said...

Jackie, What a wonderful idea!!! You are the sweetest person offering to so many~~ count me in on the flosses as I know I could put all of them to good use! Would love for them to jump from your craft room to mine and then on into a project for someone...Thanks again for the opportunity, Faye

katerina said...

I love that you have so many fiber interests! it's great seeing the inspiring creativity. I'm a knitter/crocheter, so I'd go for the yummy soft malabrigo if I was lucky enough to be a winner.
Thank you for your generosity!
Keep blogging!

Nancy said...

A wonderful contest! Please enter my name for the stitching prize. Thanks Jackie!

Trisha said...

...and I will wish for that charm pack and pattern. :)

Trisha said...

I am so glad to have found your blog, Jackie. A little knitting, a little quilting. Just like mine. And we both named our blogs with our names and Stitches. I love that!

So I will wish for that gorgeous yarn...

Amybel said...

How nice of you to offer such wonderful prizes! The yarn looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, You're offering so many lovely prizes. It's so difficult to choose but I think I'm partial to the yarn.
So glad you are blogging and that our paths crossed.
Connie W / Cootie Bug

Jocelyn said...

Great idea! I would love to be entered for the Quilting prize. Thanks so much :-)

Marjo said...

Happy Easter. Hope yours was great. Love the yarn colors but I don't knit. The quilt pattern looks so cute but can't do that either. The threads are wonderful colors. What a generous giveaway you are having. Hope your day is special.

Carolyn said...

What a nice idea! I'll throw my name in for the knitting prize!

Betty said...

I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your hobbies. If I were to win I would choose the charm pack. Happy Easter

Linda Blakely said...

I'd love to win the yarn contest! The yarns would be used to make chemo caps for my charity, ConnieCaps Inc (

Thelma said...

Put me down for the quilting prize!

What a great prize it is!

Thanks so much.

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

Oh wow! What a generous giveaway!! I would like to be entered for the YARN! Such yummy looking mal! :) Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!

staci said...

I'm so glad that I've managed to stumble across your lovely blog, I really enjoy your posts :)

Certainly a fabulous giveaway(s)! Please toss my name in for the yarn...I've never tried the ones you're offering so I'll keep my fingers (and toes) crossed! Thank you!

Maria said...

I don't care if I win or not! I'm just having fun watching you acquire more addictions!!!!

Feisty Irish Wench said...

Happy Blogiversary dear Birthday Buddy! I am entering for the yarn...I don't sew, quilt or stitch. I knit and crochet and we're lucky that I do what I do, as I'm horrible at math and we all know that knit & crochet is a bunch of math....

Plus I don't have any sock yarn in my stash, its acrylic step-siblings are pining to be friends with real yarn.

z's momma said...

Thanks for hosting the contest!

z's momma said...

oh, and to contact me:

the sewing book would be nice too...

Ru said...

Wow!! What generous giveaways!!! I would love!!love!!love the sewing prize with the reader's digest book since sewing always gets my priority and I generally sew for the house and for my kids..most of my gifts too are sewn ones..

Simone de Klerk said...

What a lovely lovely contest, Jackie! I love how you chose your prizes!
OK, if I were a knitter, I would definitely go for the great yarn. But I know it would just lay here, so that wouldn't be fair.
I would then go for the quilt prize. After making some Schnibbles patterns, I discovered the fun of working with charm packs! And the patterns look lovely! I love the 'hooked' ends (not sure how to say that)
Have a lovely day!

Doina said...

Great giveaways! Please count me in! I would love the quilting one!

Doina said...

I would love to go in for the Sewing Prize.

Carol said...

Something for everyone in this giveaway, Jackie! I'd love to enter for the overdyed threads--believe it or not, I don't have a single one of those colors! Thanks so much for the chance...

Jean in Georgia said...

Congratulations on all the responses! I'll covet the knitting prize... :)

Brenda said...

I would love the looks yummy! Thank YOU for such an interesting blog. I don't always comment, but I'm a reader. Your quilting adventures always intrigue far from my craft realities. Thanks for the contest, too!!

Ruth said...

This is very special!! Please enter me for the quilting prize.

Vicki H. said...

I would love a chance to win the quilters prize or the skeins of yarn for knitters prize!! Lovely prizes!

Amy said...

I would also love the sewing prize. Thanks again.

Amy said...

I would love the knitting prize. So lovely.

amy said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love the yarn.

Zlaty said...

Hi again Jackie,

I am gonna sign in for the stitching / embroidery prize too! Thanks a lot for having such nice prizes!

Have a nice day!

Julia said...

Jackie, You are the winner of my giveaway!!! Send my your address via email and I'll get it in the mail to you. I would love to win either set of the floss.

woolwoman said...

Since others are asking for 2 entries - I'd love to be entered for the overdyed threads as well.
Thanks Mel

woolwoman said...

What a wonderful giveaway Jackie - I would love to be entered for the yarn giveaway - looks like some yummy stuff. Thanks for supporting my blog too. Mel

Michele said...

Hi Jackie, I agree that blogging has been a huge added pleasure in my life, too. I would love the yummy embroidery floss if I win. Hope the puppies are fine and the Easter Bunny treated them well. Michele

ikkinlala said...

I would love to enter for the knitting prize, please - what a generous contest!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Mylene said...

What lovely giveaway...since i can't knit and haven't done quilting for a while i will go for the stitching stuff. Thanks.

Jane S. said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I found your blog! I linked here from Julia's Sew Sweet blog and there is so much to look at and read. :)

And of course I'd love to enter your giveaway. The embroidery threads are beautiful and they are so much fun to work with.

Jane S.
janers41 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Blessings & Little Charmers looks sweet to me! Love,Linda

candisrrt said...

I love the yarn. I love any yarn. I love knitting. If it is me, no shopping required, just lean across the knitting table at LYS!

Anonymous said...

Super-FUN! Thanks for doing this! I would love to snag those knitting goodies. :-)

Karen said...

Those are all lovely gifts. I have enjoyed getting to know you through your blog. You are an adventurous crafty person.

Just me said...

Hi Jackie, your blog is wonderful and I've enjoyed reading it ... since I can't get into the store as often as I would like it keeps me connected. Happy Blogging :)

Oh - I love the yarns ....very pretty.


Steph said...

knitting! what a nice contest!

Kim D. said...

Hi Jackie, Just stopped by for a visit, nice to meet you.. I see your having a giveaway, how generous of you. If I'm eligible I love the charm pack and book. Love the brown sweater your working on below. It's gorgeous. You have a lovely blog.

QuiltSue said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I would just love to win the quilting prize, so I'm crossing my fingers. (Please don't leave it too long to do the draw - it's very difficult quilting with crossed fingers.)

Amoena said...

I think we should thank you for this contest, because the prizes are so amazing! I'm a knitter, so I would appreciate some sock yarn, since you can never ever have enough sock yarn!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I came here because you have a fantastic blog! If I win a prize, I'd like the yarn because I want to try knitting some socks. I've been knitting for over 40 years and never attempted socks, so I figured it's time. :-)

Maiden Jane said...

I'm going to add a chance for the sewing book!

Maiden Jane said...

What a generous giveaway. Thanks for the fun! The yarn is lovely!

Sarah said...

I would also love the sewing prize. The Reader's digest book is on my list of things to buy :P

Sarah said...

I would love those threads, I need to get back to embroidering :)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

imquilternity said...

Oh are soooooo generous! I guess I'm not that surprised having gotten to know you over time. I love the yarn, of course, and can see some yummy socks from it. The blue reminds me of your hand-dyed hank!

Irene said...

What a generous give-away Jackie. I'd love to win either the knitting or the quilting prize.

Littlebit said...

How fun! I would love to win that charm pack and pattern.

Berit said...

Hi, Jackie, I'm new to your blog, but If I'm still eligible I'd LOVE to win either the sewing prize or the quilting prize, as I'm trying to get into using my sewing machine and take up quilting!

I came over from Sharlotte's blog, and really enjoyed looking around your place here; I especially liked seeing the yarn-dyeing pics, and the sewing machine mat! The fabrics you've picked for you "next WIP" are also very intriguing--I'll be adding you to my reader so I can see what it shapes up to be! :D

I recently started Quaker Diamonds (which is a sister piece to your Q&Q), so I enjoyed seeing your WIP as well--I really love that piece! :D

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'd love to win Mal! The Reader's Digest book is great, but when I got into Fashion Design, I somehow acquired 3 copies within a matter of months :P

I'm off to go check out some of your other posts :)

Mary said...

Nice contest! Very generous of you! Since I have very limited needle skills, I like the yarn.

Unknown said...

that's a really great contest going on! All prices are fabulous!


Moonlit Goddess said...

Those are some yummy prizes. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your works in progress. I would choose the knitting prize.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Think everyone would like to be vacationing for a couple of months like my friend. I'd love to win your stitching thread. Seems like I have a LOT of competition. SMILE. What lovely prizes. You are most generous!

Teresa said...

What nice prizes. I would love to be entered for the quilting and stitching prizes. Thanks!