It's past time that I have a contest to thank you all for visiting my blog! This is my first contest and I hope you think it's a good one!
So....let's get down to business! Since this blog started off being a knitting blog my knitting related prize is first.
Knitting Prize:
Mind's Eye Sock Yarn Colorway: Acid Wash 400 yard
2 skeins Malabrigo Lace Colorway: Lettuce
There are a few yards missing from the caked up yarn. Delicious stuff!

The Quilting Prize:
Little Charmers Pattern
Charm Pack, Blessings Fabric Line (Moda)
I ended up with 2 of these patterns somehow!

Stitching Prize:
I'm a new stitcher so I bought these for this contest!
Weeks Dye Works Overdyed Cotton Floss
Colorways: Pelican Gray, Pecan, Union Blue, Williamsburg Red

Overdyed Cotton Floss from The Gentle Art
Colorways: Dark Chocolate, Weathered Barn, Chamomile, Gold Leaf and Maple Syrup

The Sewing Prize:
Readers Digest Complete Guide to Sewing
1995 Edition
If you ever have any plans to sew garments, this is the book for you. I ended up with 2 of these.

I'm not much on rules so there won't be many. This contest is simply to thank those of you who visit my blog. I'm not going to make you jump through any hoops to work for an entry.
Simply leave a comment telling me which prize you'd like. Can't decide which one? Leave a comment for each one!!! The only real rule I'm going to have is that you can win only one prize!
I will ship if you live outside the U.S.!!!
I'm not sure how long the contest will be open...probably just a few days.
Note: I'll probably not ship any chocolate with these as it's already pretty warm here. I think it would melt during shipping. I know you all love chocolate! :)
I'd like to thank each of you for your friendship, your comments, your support and for just being you. I've learned so much from your blogs and your emails. I've gotten so much more out of blogging than I ever could have imagined. You totally rock!
Don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you! Several of you have "no reply" as your email address!