I'm working on another block to practice my precision (snort) piecing. I have this block laid out according to the instructions I found on the Ravelry Quilters Knitting board. As I type this and look at my pictures, I'm realizing that my fabric choices could be better. The brown here isn't photographing well and looks better in real life but I'm not starting over on this one. I love the fabric with the red dot.
9 hours ago
Oh gosh, I hope you're not coming down with something! Feel better! As for which one is better, I have the same problem with fabric choices -- it's hard, isn't it? The one with the red dots in the middle does pop, but I also like the one with the background fabric in the middle. So I'm a big help, huh? lol! Personally I think I'm leaning toward the background fabbie in the middle. But that's me! You have to decide what you like best!
the fabric with the red dots really makes you notice it and the star is lost a little. i would go with the background fabric. You will probably use the red dot fabric in other blocks.
Feel better soon. I liked the dots in the middle until Crafty Maine Moon pointed out that the star gets lost. I am not much help either.
I like the red dots because it draws my eye to the center star.
Yep, three day weekends are germ magnets for me too. I have the sinus headache etc.
Your blocks are really looking great!!
I really like the red dot fabric, but I think the light star looks better....more focus on the star shape instead of the center!
I have the same scratchy throat/sneezy feeling!
I like the second one, with the background fabric in the center. It makes the star stand out.
I'm going to buck the trend here and say I like the first one better. I can't put my finger on why though. I hope you feel better and get to enjoy the 3 days!
While I love the dotted fabric, the block with the dots in the middle makes you look mostly at the dotted fabric. The star is more "vibrant" (almost looks 3-D) in the version with the background fabric square in the middle. Hope you're not getting sick
I sure hope you are not getting sick...what a way to spend a 3 day week-end.
I could not get the first picture to come up....not your fault, my computer is being slow...but I do love the brown polka dots on the second one.
Sorry! I like the red dot. And will you quit with the imprefect piecing stuff. You're doing an awesome job!
I hope you're not ill over the weekend.
As for the block, I think you should go for the one your eyes see first when you lay them out side by side. There, that was precisely no help at all probably.
Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry, can't help with fabric choices, i think that's why i haven't finished the blocks i started when i joined a workshop a couple of years ago.
Why not use both of them in your quilt? They are both great. Just don't put them next to each other when you put your blocks together.
I like the red dot in the middle. The second is sort of the expected traditional setting that you see in most quilt books.
I like both blocks. I like the idea of using both versions on your quilt. The second one does make the star pop more. I love polka dots, though. I'm no help at all am I? My project that I've emailed you about has fallen through. Boo Hoo! I'm not surprised though.
Oh no..3-day weekends are not the time to get sick, don't cha know? Passing chicken soup. I am no help. I'm no good at choosing fabrics; that's why I usually have to do bundles. Beautiful block, by the way!
I'm no quilter, but I like the red dot in the middle layout, Jackie.
Hope you're trying to rest so you don't get sicker--take care :)
I think it's a great block...and it will wonderfully offset anything that you put next to it. I love the polka dot fabric too...right now I'm into "spots"!
I think that I like the background fabric in the center. I'm not sure why, but it seems to make the block pop.
Hope you're feeling better.
I like the red dotted fabric in the center of the star.
Then again, my mother takes my husband with her to buy clothes because she doesn't trust my taste...
I like the top one better...it pops more for me. Great fabrics!
I hope you're feeling better, Jackie, and that you don't have a cold over the weekend. :P
I'm not much help on the blocks other than to say they look nice. LOL
I really like the block with the polka dot center. To me, it just pulls it together. Love your cutting table and your space.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
I like the top one best. Have you tried it with a brick red centre...something that matches the dots? I just think the one with the background fabric is lacking something.
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