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Goodreads? It's an online community for readers. You can catalog the books you've read, the ones you own, etc. There is a section within Goodreads where you can throw your name into the hat to be selected to review a book that has not come out yet. About 2 weeks ago, I was notified that I was being sent an Advance Readers Copy of a book being released in March by Linwood Barclay. Score! This past week, I received the book and I started reading it today. I'm not very far into it but so far it is better than average and my attention has been captured! I hope it continues to be as captivating. There was no cost to receive the book, I'm only being asked to write a review on Goodreads about it - which I will gladly do!
Edited to add link to Goodreads giveaways where you could win an Advance Reader Copy.
This past weekend, I spent some time getting organized. I really am trying to be a bit tidy since I now have my own space. I'm afraid that I'll buy fabric for one purpose, then use it for another. So I bought these boxes at Michaels to help me keep the project components together. I've labeled a box for my $5 quilt BOM and my Stitchers Garden BOM. I also put together a binder for the Stitchers Garden instructions/pattern as they are quite detailed and another binder for my Bernina Mastery class materials. I've been in an organizing mode since the week after Christmas. It's almost getting scary! :)

I've gathered my background fabric(s) for each BOM and put that in the box. I also threw in my first 2 blocks for my $5 quilt. Since I'm also doing the optional applique block each month this will not technically end up costing $5.

I also purchased this Rowenta travel iron at Joann's this weekend. Have you ever read the fine print on Joann's coupons? Irons are excluded? Don't irons have a bad enough rep? Now we have to pay full price for them too? This iron is still worth every penny. It gets hot, hot, hot and is perfect to sit on my side table so I can iron blocks without getting up. Plus it seriously out performs the iron I have already.

I can't really figure out how to turn the darned thing off though. The on/off button on the illustration in the manual is not the on/off button on the iron itself. I think they had a minor redesign and didn't update the manual.
It's warmed up here quite a bit. Sunday was a beautiful sunny Florida winter day. Perfect! I hope all of you are having a great week. Happy Stitches!
It's been the same at our house - organizing! How does it happen we're both doing it, across the country from one another? Maybe your good blog posts are influencing me!
I appreciate hearing about your satisfactory iron purchase. I've not had luck with Rowenta, and another brand of iron I'm using now doesn't get very hot. Thanks for the tip to check out JoAnn's. I'll look for an on/off button before I buy!
How cool is that! I've heard about Goodreads, but this possibility of getting picked for an advance read is quite enticing! Do they consider what you like to read before they send you an advance copy? I assume they must.
I love your organizational stuff -- good for you! And the iron -- bummer about the coupon! Hope you figure out how to turn it off!
I've been so disappointed with every iron I've bought in the last 20 years. Hope this one works for you longer than any of mine have!
Looking great, Jackie :) I love plastic bins...they keep everything so clean and organized. DH just rolls his eyes every time I bring home a new one :) We have a store called "The Container Store" here and OMW, heaven on earth!
That iron is totally cool, but what is that little "part" on it for? I am thinking hot water maybe for steam? I find that thing a bit...uhm odd :) LOL
Good organization ideas......and I hope the iron stays satisfactory. Irons have really been lousy lately, from all the quilters I talk to and read. *sigh* I'll have to check out Goodreads, too!
Having a space dedicated to your craft is almost the same as being in heaven.
I love Goodreads! Yet somehow missed where I can put my name in to review books. I'll have to go back and look :)
I have found entirely too much fine print on JoAnn's coupons... it seems virtually everything I want is excluded. Hmmmph.
I've got a Rowenta iron (although not the one that you have) and I have the same problem with the on and off. I have to literally unplug it from the wall. But that's fine - it is a great iron.
I'm on Goodreads too and didn't know that you could get selected to read books and give a review. I'll have to check that out - sounds like a great (and cheap) way to read something new.
And like your organization - I need to redo mine - I have my stuff in pizza boxes, but I can't see what's in there and I like the eye candy you can see with the plastic ones.
Will you stop it! You're putting the rest of us to shame. LOL! It's nice to see someone soooooooooooo organized. It's my dream, but the minute I get my studio organized/cleaned, I start making messes again. Is that creativity or just being a slob?
I just sent you a friend request on Goodreads too. Your sewing setup is wonderful to be able to have the iron right next to the machine. I have to get up to use mine. I need to get organized. I just do not know where to start.
Woot! I have heard about the ARC at GoodReads but never known anybody who was selected. Cool! I can't wait to read your review. YGG on the organizing!
Great way of organizing, Jackie! Something to learn from.
And how fun is that, to be allowed to read a book that has not been published yet. Have fun.
I love Linwood Barclay's books. Once I start them I can't put them down so I have to read them over a weekend, lol.
You are so organized with your stash. I wish I could be a bit like that. Your future projects seem to become a lot of fun.
I really need to get myself a little travel iron. I've been in organizing mode too. I like having all my pieces and instructions for a quilt in a bucket together, makes it so much easier!
I'm so impressed with your organizing Jackie - do you do consultations? I might need your expertise in my wool room. I guess I am just messy at heart. Have fun in that beautiful retreat of yours. Mel
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