The 2 wall cabinets and the shelves that Greg worked on until after 4am on Sunday are up! I love them! My sewing room is small (11x10) and full of things so it's hard to get a good picture. It really makes everything seem less temporary. Sunday I didn't get much time to spend in there and what time I had was spent getting things back in order after Greg moved the sewing tables back into place. Not much in the way of decorations but that will come in time. I'm just getting some curtains and probably will hold off on the other things and get them slowly. I'd also like to make some things to go in there.

I did get a chance to sew a little bit today. I pieced the next block that a group of knitters are working on. As you can tell, I went with the red dot fabric for the center. The pattern called for this layout and I liked the extra dimension it gives. I didn't struggle with the piecing on this one as I had on the others. What a RELIEF! I've been having trouble (lots of trouble) with getting the blocks to come out the correct size. This one came out pretty much right on! Can you see me doing the happy dance?!

And guess what?! My points came out pretty much on target. Here is a picture of one of them!

I also blocked the shawl I finished knitting a couple of months ago. Pictures of that should be coming next weekend. I'll probably be home well after dark every night this week this week which is not good for photographs. I'm working on annual reviews and have a ton of other things to accomplish so there will be some early mornings and late nights. At least it's a short week!
Now I'm off to do laundry....why do I always leave that until the last minute?
Yeah for cabinets! Go, go Greg!
Yeah for matching points! (Knitters making pieced quilt blocks? Hmm.)
Boo, hiss for annual reviews.
Boo, hiss for laundry.
Don't you love sideline cheerleaders?!
wow..the cabinets are really good...your quilt block looks awesome.
The cabinets are awesome...I know you will love your room when you get it just the way you want it. That block is perfect...great points.
YAY for helpful husbands!
YAY for a craft studio!
YAY for a short work week!
Oh, I just love your room. I even made my husband come look at the pictures so he would understand what I was talking about (we don't have IKEA up here). Your quilt block looks perfect to me and I cannot wait to see the shawl. That is on my wish I could knit list.
Keep the pictures coming. I love it.
Your block looks great. I love the fabrics and your points are amazing. Well done too to your husband for getting the cabinets up. You must be so happy about your room.
Such perfect piecing. I've never done anything that perfect in my life!
How exciting to have a dedicated space for crafting!
Woot indeed! Both on the block and the cabinet. Great job!
Nice cabinets! What a great hubbie! And your block looks great! Yay on getting it the right size -- and those points look perfect! Can't wait to see the shawl!
Wow! High five :) Those are the most beautiful cabinets....I am so excited for you :)
Your quilt is "of course" so beautiful....I love the colors :)
You should put together a whole Happy Dance production!!! That block is perfect!!! Lucky you to have that wonderful sewing room!
Awesome cabinets and shelving Jackie.
The block is beautiful, well done!!
Can't wait to see your new shawl :)
love the cabinets, it will be pretty and decorated in no time
Those cabinets look really great! Will had so much space to the room. And YGG on those perfect points!!
Congrats on the perfect points!! Your sewing space is wonderful.
Oooo, I'm drooling for those cupboards! I LOVE shelves like that too ~ so handy!
That room is will make many nice things in there and spend many happy hours there! GOOD job on getting that block to come out the correct size, too.
Great job on the block and the cabinet.
Have a nice week.
I think you made the perfect choice on your block and the piecing is very nice. So fun to have a nice clean new sewing room, and a hubby that helps to put it together!
Love your room, it has really come together. And now for those points, girlfriend your doing great!!. Thanks for the visit and encourgement it is good to be back in the life again.WE gals have to not sweat the chores so much and keep up with our fun work. Hugs, Marie
Love seeing the progress on your room, Jackie! When it is all done, you'll have to have Greg take a photo of you hard at work in there for us :)
Way to go, Jackie, enjoy that room! Love the block!
Look at those points! Well Done!
Love your new cabinets and shelves!! I love your finished block - I definitely agree with using the red dot fabric in the middle! Beautiful points!
Hi Jackie! Thanks for your sweet comments about my Jane Austen quilt. I won't be able to work on it tomorrow as I have a needlework friend coming over and will not be sitting in my quilt studio while we visit. :-( But I am going to work on finishing a pinkeep while will be fun.
I love your new cabinets and shelves in your room. I too have a very small space compared to most rooms in America. But for here in Holland, it is a luxury. It is so nice to have your own space, isn't it? And your block is fabulous. I love the choice for the center and agree that it gives depth.
Hugs ~
Wow...cabinets look great...and those points on the block.... wonderful. I am not a point matching girl...though I do attempt.
Your room is really getting 'dressed' and the block you made: perfect work! WOW
I love organizing too - especially when it comes to my hobbies - not so much when it comes to linen closets, file cabinets, etc! Where did you get your cutting table? Mine is pretty much on it's last legs - it looks ok until you peak underneath and notice that the bolts holding it together have popped through the wood. Your quilt blocks are wonderful - I have been quilting for 20 years now and still have problems squaring things up.
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