Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ideas for My Future Space

During my search for a new sewing machine, I've been looking at furniture for what will be my little sewing room when C moves out. This probably won't happen until next year. But in the mean time I'm doing a little dreaming. I love this chest from Horn of America because the drawers are shallow. I don't know about you but deep drawers just mean a big ole mess for me.

The price tag, however, is hefty. It's $495 at the LQS. I was finding it hard to justify spending that much for one storage cabinet. I could do a lot of other things with $500. We can afford it but that does not mean I want to spend it. And plastic storage is so cheap. I like the furniture look of this though. So it's been back and forth in my mind.
Last month while visiting my brother, I found this at Ikea. We don't have an Ikea locally so whenever I visit a city that has one, I just have to go. This cabinet isn't exactly the same. It's a bit shorter and there aren't drawer pulls. But it is similiar in that it's on wheels so I can easily move it around and the drawers are shallow so I can find things. I thought this would be a good place to store notions, tools and supplies.
The biggest difference is a good one. The price!!!
Now this is a price I can accept!!! Sometimes substitutions are a good thing. If I go this route with my sewing furniture I know that I can purchase this without a mental struggle!

I'd love to hear how you made decisions of what to put or not put in your crafting spaces! How did you lay things out? How did you make it comfortable for you? Right now, I'm using the dining room table and the idea of my own space is exciting and a bit overwhelming!


Beth said... 1

I just made the 2.5 hour drive to our nearest IKEA this week. This storage piece looks like an excellent choice for you -- so similar to furniture you like but with a much *better* price.

I will be starting posts next week about my newly renovated sewing room (I hope). Stop by!

Anonymous said... 2

Hi Jackie, I use Ikea in my sewing room too. I have an Ikea tall cabinet with lots of 1" drawers for buttons and beads. Shallow drawers are the best.

Barb said... 3

I actually like the second one better.

Diana said... 4

That's a huge difference in price. I have a friend who uses a little cabinet like this. She stores threads and notions in the top drawers and fabric in the lower drawers. The drawers are just the right depth to store folded fat quarters. She uses the top of the cabinet as a portable ironing station and she can wheel it around wherever she needs it. It seems pretty handy.

Teresa said... 5

My workspace revolves around a sewing station my father made for me many years ago. It is very heavy and kind of cumbersome as it has two sets of drawers on each of the "U" shape top. We actually had to cut it apart to get it out of my previous sewing room - he built it in the room. so that allowed me to pull on set of drawers over some and have more foot space. Then I rescued a narrow table that my hubby was throwing away, but a counter top that I also dug out of a throw away pile and presto, I have a cutting table. It just happens to be the exact same width as the very large cutting mats - so I taped one of those to the top with double sided tape. So I guess you could say, mine is unplanned, nothing matches, but I just love it!

Betty said... 6

I have a large oak tool chest that my husband bought from Sportsman's Guide. I didn't like the very yellow oak, so rubbed it with a darker finish. It has lots of shallow drawers and sits on another chest. It's perfect for thread, needles, scissors, rulers, cutters etc. (I have seen many like it on ebay for around $99.)But I still needed an antique spool cabinet- not as handy and it holds patterns, but it is pleasing to me. The shallow drawers help me stay organized.

Candace said... 7

Great find Jackie! This is what I got for my new studio - it is incredibly sturdy:

Chris Daly said... 8

I'm really glad Ikea is 4 hours away from the closest store or they would have all my money.

Pat said... 9

My sewing space becomes the little girls' bedroom when the grandkids are here. SO...I share it with two small dressers, some plastic toy bins and a trundle bed. Because of this, I use plastic drawer sets that are on wheels....and they get moved out of the room when the kids are coming over to spend the night. My sewing machine cabinet is wood and closes up so the machine can stay in the room if just one girl is coming. IF I need to open the trundle bed, the sewing machine needs to come out, the room is small. It's not ideal to share the space like this, but it's better than using the dining room table. Good luck with your upcoming sewing room space!!! I like the second cabinet better, too.

Micki said... 10

What an incredible difference in price. You are going to get yourself so organized.

Pam said... 11

We've added knobs to IKEA furniture before -- in fact they even sell them for that purpose. If you still like the knobs you could do that. That's another thing about IKEA prices -- it's not scarey to experiment.

Alison said... 12

I love that cabinet from Ikea! And that's an awesome price! I don't have an actual room for my crafting (we need all the rooms in this house for childrens' bedrooms!) so I have to find ways to neatly store things in my living room and bedroom, believe it or not...!

Simone de Klerk said... 13

What a difference in price! We are very lucky to have an Ikea only 15 min. away from us.
And you know with drawers, no matter how big or small or wide, they are always a mess. Then it's always a suprise what I find in them, when I decide to clean up. Fun too!

Zlaty said... 14

The cabinet either one will be great, I don't have one and use one with plastic drawers.

Have fun!
