The Blob is transforming. I've just started the first lace section. I always have difficulty getting started. Once the fabric starts to build up, it gets easier for me to see what I'm supposed to be doing and it gets easier to read my knitting. I'm up to 489 stitches so each row takes a long time. And a long time if you have to tink back to a mistake. I'm getting better at checking my work to make sure I didn't forget a yarn over. Saves me a lot of heartache that way!

Saturday I continued my sewing machine research by visiting the local Janome dealer. I really enjoyed this Memory Craft 6600P and it has a lot of the features I'd like to have. Lock stitch, auto thread cutter, lots of stitches and a big harp. You don't need to use a foot pedal (which I don't mind) to start/stop the machine. It comes with a lot of feet and purchasing additional feet is not a big investment. Easy to figure out and the dealer would have a one on one with meet on the weekend to teach me how to use it. They'd also meet me again if needed and they offer garment sewing classes (which I'd be interested in). It's also far less expensive than the Bernina at $1600.
The stitching was wonderful with the Coats and Clark thread they had in it. It was changed to Gutterman and the straight stitching wasn't as good. The store was busy and I didn't think about messing with the tension. I'll be sure to do so next time I visit. This is a concern. This machine has 2 lights but they're not the cool to the touch lights. It's a heavy machine. It's also been well reviewed on which is great. I'd love to hear of anyone's experiences with this machine (including experiences with free motion quilting).

They also sell Brother machines and the sales person suggested this machine. The Brother Innovis QC-1000. It's specifically marketed to quilters. It totally operates off the screen and has a feature where you can program the pressure foot to come up each time you stop the machine with the needle down. You can then easily and quickly pivot what you're working on. I didn't get a chance to play around with this much but someone picked up one of these while I was there. It also has good but few reviews on It's $1900. For some reason, this machine just didn't speak to me.

No research next weekend. It's probably a good thing. My head is still whorling and I need to develop a set of questions that I ask everyone. I also need to develop a list of things to try out on the machines.
Please keep any sewing machine feedback coming! I'd also love to hear how you figured out which machine was best for you!