Friday, January 23, 2009

I Don't Know How You Do It

I love looking at winter scenes on the blogs I visit. The snow always seems so pristine and crisp. I especially love pictures of evergreens laden with snow. Something about the deep green and sharp white that just makes me want to see it in person.
I live in Florida though. It's been cold for us this past week. My heat has been on overdrive. It's been windy. My skin is so dry that I applied moisturizer twice this morning before putting on my makeup for work. I've taken to using my electric blanket to get warm - even though it's not bedtime. I'm drinking sugar free hot cocoa. I wear my fleece jacket most of the day at work - and I don't work outside. I'm wearing socks and closed toe shoes!
I have a new respect for those of you who battle snow and extreme cold while going about your daily routines. I don't know how you do it.
Just one week of what most people would consider extremely mild winter weather. And I'm over it. Early spring anyone?


Ginny said... 1

as I read your post, it is a balmy 29 degrees, pretty warm today! I am sitting at home, with my long house sweater on, the fireplace is going and I am drinking hot cocoa. The only thing that keeps me going is I know that in less than 3 months it will be spring! and in 6 months we will be heading to 110 degrees, oh YEA!!!
Stay warm,

Feisty Irish Wench said... 2

That whole "average temperature thing" those tourist industry people tout is pure mathematical arrival. Contrary to popular misconception, Florida gets cold!

Except, my pals in Michigan, Washington and Canada have sub-zero temps, so they would consider this a warm spell.

Marie said... 3

Hey Jackie, I too am freezing, can't get warm----but just wait does this mean we are headed for a much warmer summer??I love your quilt, you did such a nice job. Take care my friend. Hugs, Marie

Brenda said... 4

I'm with you Jackie...come on Spring! One day last week I just couldn't get toes, my hands, my nose...cold, cold ALL day! It looks like we're coming into more normal temps, for us anyway. Cool enough for a few knitted garments still and that makes me happy.

Simone de Klerk said... 5

To tell the truth, I am almost always cold in the winter, no matter how high we put on the heater. The way for me to get nice and warm is to take a long walk. I always look forward to the spring with longer days, more sun and warmth!
Have a good and hopefully nice and warm weekend!

Debbie said... 6

Its warm here today in PA...well above freezing :) After many years of living through cold, dry winters, I have to plug AVEENO products. Its not completely winter for me without at least two good snowstorms. We still have February.

Anonymous said... 7

I don't like the cold either. It was in the 80's last week which is my favorite temperature. Now it is in the 50's and that is too cold for me. 28F is way, way, too cold. I hope it warms there soon.

Jean in Georgia said... 8

I'm figuring if it's gonna get this cold in Atlanta, we should get at least one decent snow day out of it. Hmmmph.

Candace said... 9

Jackie - Where is Al Gore when we need him! We have snow again this morning and colder weather coming again - 28 seems balmy this winter - LOL! You're doing all my favorite things to stay warm and "moist" - I just hope you don't have to do what I did in the middle of the night - reapply more hand cream to my sandpaper hands so I wouldn't wake hubby with that scratchy sound!
Wishing you warmer breezes!

Anonymous said... 10

Brrr that is cold for you guys! When it's 30 around here we get excited (I'm in MA) We currently are in the middle of a snowstorm. This weekend is supposed to be 30's though!

Mom said... 11

Ya know, after spending about 15 years living in the South and then a few years in the glorious California climate growing up, I often wonder why I EVER left! Maine is just dismal this time of year. Seeing -2oF on the thermometer was eye-opening. We relish 20F days right now, and long for the early days in April when temps can reach (gasp) 50F!!

Mom said... 12

BTW...I lived in the Jax area (eons ago - graduated from Orange Park HS!)