Sunday, May 6, 2012

Theme-A-Licious April Update

I'm late posting the April Theme-A-Licious update. It was a crazy month from a personal standpoint and it translated to my lack of stitching. There was a lot of ripping out this month. Some (a fair amount) was due to chart errors and some was due to my own issues (out right corner wave border). Aprils theme was Amazon April - in other words work on BAPs. Here is Ann Dale as of this afternoon.
Ann Dale Progress 5/6/12
There is still more ripping to be done on the part I stitched quite a bit on - the left outer wave border. As charted, it's going in the wrong direction and I stitched it as charted. I know this project has resulted in some frustrations for many stitchers but I still love it. And so I don't mind making it right. Who knows, I might reach the point where I want to throw it in the corner but that hasn't happened as yet. She deserves to be stitched!
May's theme is May Memories which is all about those class projects. I haven't taken a lot of classes but I do have a two projects I'd like to devote some time to.

While there hasn't been much quilting going on, I haven't put the breaks on stash acquisition. My latest purchases are from Jo Mortons new lines. I'll use these in my Jo's Little Women projects.
Jo Morton Fabrics
Thank you for your visits to my little piece of the web. I appreciate it and love reading your blogs too. May your stitches be happy ones!


Margaret said... 1

I'm so glad you're still loving Ann Dale. She really is a beauty. I'm going to sit on the sidelines and watch for now, but I know I'm going to fall in love eventually. lol! As for your fabric -- ooooohhhh, so pretty!! I wish I could buy every fabric I fall in love with. lol!

Nancy said... 2

Ann Dale is so beautiful Jackie, and your stitching looks gorgeous! Good for you for hanging in there and making it right. It will be worth it when you have an amazing finished sampler!

BeckySC said... 3

Your sampler is looking gorgeous :)

valerie said... 4

I'm glad to see you're still plugging along on Ann Dale. She's looking great!

FlourishingPalms said... 5

Sorry to know life isn't smooth sailing right now. Fabric buying helps a little, but spending time in your sewing room, or stitching is the best remedy, I'm sure. Hope you find more time very soon.

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 6

Oh quelle merveille ! very beautiful stitches

bisous bisous de FRANCE

Annette-California said... 7

OMG! This means I need to restitch that same border as you:( I love what you have stitched, You have gotten a good amount conquered so far. Oh I LOVE how its looking. WOW!

Giovanna said... 8

Ann looks wonderful - I'm sure she'll be worth all the trouble :-)

Daffycat said... 9

Beautiful stitching, Jackie! Too bad about the frogs!!!

Annie said... 10

I love how determined you are. The stitching looks lovely and you've made good progress.

There's always time for shopping, right?

Chris said... 11

Beautiful progress on Ann. The colors look lovely. I am sorry hat you have had to rip some out.
The new fabrics are lovely.

Carol said... 12

Wow! Ann really is an Amazon, Jackie--so, so pretty! She is definitely worth finishing and not tossing in the corner :)

That is a great haul of new new fabrics--can't wait to see how you put them together in your latest quilting projects--enjoy!

Laurie in Iowa said... 13

Ann Dale is a beauty and well worth the effort, despite the charting errors.

Suburban Stitcher said... 14

Wow, that sampler is SO pretty! Dont' toss her...just set to the side for a while until you feel up to it again... too pretty to toss!!!!

woolwoman said... 15

Jackie - glad to hear you're still working on AD - Your progress looks significant. Sorry it is not a pleasant stitch like we all hoped for. Your fabric stash is lovely. Hope you have a good week and things are looking up finally for your MIL. take care Mel

Anonymous said... 16

Hi Jackie, you always pick the prettiest fabrics for your quilts. I love how your stitchery is coming along too. It will be a family heirloom one of these days.

Penny said... 17

I'm glad you are persevering on Ann - she's beautiful! I love Jo Morton's quilts and fabrics. You have a nice selection of fabrics!

Elle said... 18

Beautiful stitching work, I love it. All your work is beautiful, the quilts, embroidery and knitting.

geeky Heather said... 19

Ann Dale is looking really gorgeous. Although I must admit I probably would have left the border the way it was, I totally understand you wanting it "right". Love the quilt stash!!

Patty C. said... 20

Ann is looking splendid!

Mylene said... 21

Ann is looking beautiful! and what lovely new fabrics!

Anne said... 22

Regardless of the problems you are having with Ann, she is looking lovely!!! Ooh, those fabbies are amazing! Jo is my favourite form Little Women!!

Karoline said... 23

Ann is looking lovely!

Simone de Klerk said... 24

Beautiful stitchery once again. The colors are so amazing.
And what a lovely pile of fabric for the Little Women project. Never heard of that project yet.
Have a lovely weekend.

Michele said... 25

Hi Jackie! Your stitching looks amazing :-) So does all of that new fabric!

Dani - tkdchick said... 26

I don't know if I could handle working on a chart with a lot of mistakes. This screams to me they didn't double check or have a model stitcher work on it. How frustrating!!!

Brigitte said... 27

Ann Dale is certainly worth stitching even if she gives you some frustration from time to time, all BAPs do, I think.
I'm already looking forward to seeing what you will be doing with your new fabric stash.