I started a new quilt recently. LaRosaraie by French General is the quilt and I have one block made. It's a beast and I need to make 29 more! I'm using La Rose Rouge fabrics from French General. I'm sewing along with friends Susan and Jen. It will be slow going for me for sure!
I've made some progress on Rachel Howells by The Scarlet House. I'm using the called for Picture this Plus linen and the called for NPI Silks. It is a delight to stitch. I thought the border might be a lot to get through but it is surprisingly very enjoyable!I'm also coming along on Elizabeth Eyles by The Scarlett Letter. This is a SAL that started on 1/1/22 in honor of Laura's Big Birthday (her 60th). The SAL is on Instagram but you can find Laura's old blog HERE. If you're on Instagram, her user id there is Maude and Mozart as well. This is also a fun stitch though the cherubs in the border are time consuming. Have you seen a cherub border anywhere else?!
My son is getting married! The big day is one month away tomorrow! We are all excited and I hope I don't sweat too much at the outside ceremony and reception. May will be a busy month for us.

That's all for now! May all your stitches be happy ones!