Since my last post, I've had the pleasure of taking two classes from Betsy Morgan. My EGA guild was so fortunate to have her teach as she has announced her retirement 1/1/2020. I've never taken one of Betsy's classes and I'm so glad I had the opportunity.
One of the classes was Swan Bower - this is her newest teaching piece as of the date of this post. She will have a new design coming out the end of the year/early next year. Here is Betsy holding Swan Bower. This is the same class she taught at The Attic in January.

Our class project was to finish the stitching on this floss card and to assemble it. It's really cute and not as quick as it would appear at first glance. Or at least it wasn't for me. Am I the only one that grossly under estimates how long something will take when it comes to stitching?

We also had Maria Katarin's Stitching Reticule - this project is full of bright happy colors. This class was also taught at The Attic in January. I've not seen any photos that do this project justice.

We assembled this accessory during our class. I was able to get it all done during class except for making the tassel and attaching it. I did that the weekend after class.

If you've never taken a class from Betsy, I would highly suggest it. She has a great teaching style and has something for every level of stitcher - to include her own joining method.
After the classes were over and after stitching a bit more on The Heritage Sampler, I was ready to stitch something else. I thought of A Lady's Worke Box which is a class project from a class I took from Ellen Chester of With My Needle. At the time, the assembly of the box was a little overwhelming. I so love this project! I realized that now it is well within my ability to assemble. Since I'd put the stitching piece of this project on my guild Challenge List and because the project was calling to me, I've pulled it out and finished up the pin cushion and finished the stitching on the inside panel. Here is a pic of the inside panel:

I'm not saying I'll assemble this during this year but it is definitely my plan to stitch it all this year! I'm trying to get a few things stitched on my challenge list to make time for something that is going on mid-year. We also have a couple of members who are teaching a flat fold finish and I need to stitch something for that.
Wishing you all.a great week and may all your stitches be happy ones!