Normally those are simple questions? Right now I'm not so sure I could answer either of them. This weekend I started my research for a future sewing machine purchase. My head is now whirling. I'm going to keep on with my research and hopefully some of these answers will become more clear. I'm also going to QuiltFest in September and will be testing everything I can get my hands on. I've spent time this weekend on
Pattern Review and
Sew Mama Sew. Loads of information there which contributes to the head whirl too!
What type of sewing will I be doing? I think I can answer this one at least partially.
Quilting and hopefully some garment sewing. I'd like to make knit tops for me and some cute dresses for my nieces. I'm trying to determine whether or not I'm interested in embroidery and if so, just how much I think I'd use this feature. I saw some cute dish towels that were embroidered and I think I could use this feature for the girls. Is this going to be enough to justify the expense? I'm not sure of that. I might also do some home dec.
What features do I like and must have? I'll give this one somewhat of a stab.
Needle up/Needle down - must have
Knee Lift - must have
I'd like to know if my bobbin was getting low but not a deal breaker.
Feet that easily change. My Pfaff has the screw in feet. I'd like something easier.
I want a machine that will accommodate me as I grow as a sewer/quilter.
Stretch stitches if I'm going to be sewing knits.
Questions for my blogging friends (I need all the help I can get; I'll even send my email address):1. Has anyone bought a demo machine? Good experience? Bad?
2. Stitch - 5mm or 9mm? What would I use 9mm for?
3. Will embroidery software work well with Windows Vista? I saw something online that suggested otherwise.
4. Will I need/use a variable stitch width? What for?
5. Do you have an embroidery machine? How often do you use it? Do you feel you use it enough compared to the cost (including software upgrades, materials, etc)
6. What feature were you surprised about and now cannot live without?
I'll be posting more about my experiences as time goes on. Thank you all for any and all suggestions or personal experiences (whether they be positive or negative).
Today I bought some of this. Guess what for?

Not applique....but look, it was an advertised use on the box which I thought was awesome!

It even had applique directions on the back of the box. So unexpected!

But I digress....As I've mentioned before, this is my third quilt and quite a challenge for me. When I went to square up the blocks, some of them were a bit short in places. which would not give me a smooth edge. Wonky in, wonky out. I don't want wonky so these blocks have been sitting. This morning while cruising through the Quilters Knitting Forum on Ravelry, the author of the
Knotty Knits blog mentioned that she learned a great deal from following the
Mod Sampler Quilt A Long from
Oh, Fransson! It's a beautifully presented blog, one I visit frequently. But I didn't catch the importance of
this post when I saw it. In it, she shows you how to use freezer paper and give your block a nice sharp edge for piecing it to the next block. I've now squared up all 12 blocks and I'm ready to figure out how to add the frames to these and get them moving along!

I hate ironing. In Florida. In July.
Ok...I hate it anytime!