My husband has been wanting me to knit him some socks. At the beginning of the year, he even picked out the yarn! A couple of days ago, I cast on thinking how great it was that my knitting skills were going to yield such a great pair of socks for him. He tried them on. Too big, he says. So I start over. Yesterday after getting about 4 or 5 inches on the needles, I had him try them on again. Remember Cinderella and the evil stepsister who insisted the glass slipper fit her? Yep, that was my husband last night. He INSISTED that the sock was going to fit him when it was very obvious that it wasn't going too. He was tugging so hard that I actually thought it was going to pop a hole. No amount of wiggling and squirming was going to get that sock around his heel. None. He, however, left the room insisting that the sock was going to be just fine.
Today, I am left with this:

I added 8 more stitches and started over. I feel good about it.