Sunday, December 2, 2012


For Heather's Theme-a-Licious project, November was Nail it November.  I nailed finishing block #3 of Shores of Hawk Run Hollow, stitching almost all of this while I was on vacation mid-month.  I pretty sure I've posted a Theme-a-Licious post for each month, though I haven't always linked up in time on her blog.  Unfortunately, I've stitched very little since we've been home.
Here is my November block for the We Bee Learning Bee.  The yellow center is a bit bright in this picture.  I have to say, I really love the yellow and gray combination.
We Bee Learning Bee Block for Toni
I've also been working on getting this quilt ready for quilting.  I've pieced and ironed the back and spent some time clipping threads on the back.  A lot time.  Evidence can be found below.  I am not fond of clipping threads.  On the other hand, it's a shame this quilt top has sat for a year waiting to be quilted.

How much time do you spend clipping and ironing before dropping off a quilt?  I iron as I go but I could probably spend 4 more hours ironing.  When do you say it's done?
I've also been working on assembling my Cotton Club quilt.  I have the centered assembled and two borders on.  Only the last border to go - it's mitered and will be my first mitered border.  Yikes!  I'm going to use Marti Michell's ruler.  Fingers crossed.  I have to get the border fabric cut out properly first.

I have a few days off at the end of the month that I'm really looking forward to.  It'll be the first vacation time we've spent at home this year.  It'll be nice to have some quiet after all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.  I'm trying to take a very relaxed approach to the season this year.  We'll see how it goes.  In the meantime, may all your stitches be happy ones!


ruthsplace said... 1

So many pretty things in this post! The stitchery is charming and I LOVE the yellow and grey combination in your block.

I need to iron my quilt tops more than I do before quilting...

Catherine said... 2

Your Shores block looks great! Lovely quilt too.
Hope you enjoy your time off!

Margaret said... 3

I love block 3 on Shores! Congrats on finishing the block! Love your yellow and gray quilt block. Love your ruler box too -- I want one too someday, but I keep missing out. lol! Not sure about the whole clipping and ironing. I'm not a perfectionist, so I probably don't do enough of either. lol! Glad you're going to get some at home time at the end of the month. You deserve it!

Loraine said... 4

Lovely job on your 3rd Shores block! I loved stitching that one.
Your quilt is wonderful too. I hate clipping and ironing. I do it as I go as well, and then give it a good press when the quilt is finished. I've discovered vodka water does a really good job, and cuts down the ironing time. I take a gallon of distilled water, and remove a cup, and then add a cup of the cheapest vodka I can buy and a few drops of lime essential oil. Shake it up, and your ready to go. My quilt guild made this recipe last year, and it sure is a lot cheaper than Mary Ellen's Best Press. I go through at least a bottle of it on each quilt, I love it!
Good luck with it, and let me know if you decide to make some too.
Have a great one!

Nicola said... 5

Do you do the quilting yourself or have it long armed?

I was very interested to read the above comment about vodka water.

Aunt 'Reen said... 6

Block #3 of your stitchery is AMAZING! WOW - you have a lot of awesome quilting projects in the works!
I hope you get that relaxing holiday sentiment that you are striving for!

Season's Greetings to you and your Family!

Faye said... 7

I love it!!! Nail it November!,,, your progress on shores is great... I ally do need to prioritize mine for 2013.. I think I've done 5 ..... And, as always , I admire all your quilting.... So beautiful!!!

I think we are going to take the more casual approach to the holidays this yr also... We will see.... Faye

Deborah said... 8

Shores is coming along beautifully!

FlourishingPalms said... 9

I sure like that yellow and gray block combo too. It turned out nice. In fact, I just picked up some yardage of a yellow and gray Amy Butler print that I plan to make into a shift for myself. I already have the yellow sandals and yellow earrings to go with it! Love your idea of a take-it-easy approach to Christmas and time off work. This season is meant to be a blessing. I truly hope you enjoy yourself.

Annette-California said... 10

Oh my goodness! Your block 3 is beautiful Jackie. Wow you've already got 3 blocks done. Your quilt square is so pretty - wow great points. That has got to be hard to do. I too am taking it day by day sometimes hour by hour for this Holiday season. Much easier to be.
love Annette

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 11

I love your stitching !!! bisous bisous

Mary said... 12

Love that mermaid!!! I'm having fun watching your progress.

Chris said... 13

Block 3 looks great on Shores.
I love the colors in that quilt block too.

Annie said... 14

Love that funky mermaid. Beautiful stitching on that block.

Good luck with the mitering. I suspect it won't be too difficult for you. You seem to be able to master everything you try!

Giovanna said... 15

Great going on Shores: that's a lovely block, and quite a lot of stitching in it too. Congrats on finishing it.

Carol said... 16

What a gorgeous block that is, Jackie--the mermaid cracks me up!!

Enjoy your time off at the end of the month--sounds like a perfect way to end a very busy year :)

Vonna Pfeiffer said... 17

Your Shores...looking GREAT!!
And that quilt it. Not to mention that darling orts box!

Tammy said... 18

your stitchery project is just beautiful and I love the yellow block. so bright and cheery and with the grey it really sets it off. glad you have some time at the end of the month to stay home and just enjoy some quiet time. Hugs!!

Anonymous said... 19

Your Shores look great, and I love the grey/yellow block. Such a pretty combo of colors. (Also love the little wooden box! :D)

Lily said... 20

Hi Jackie! I love the mermaid - I am so into mermaids lately!! I need to get back to my handstitching. I have a quilt to do and some cross stitch!

Siobhán said... 21

Wow, Loraine's comment about vodka water was interesting! I have only ever had one quilt professionally quilted and I was careful with it, but my kids were little at the time, so I probably didn't spend a ton of time at it. Color me oblivious, in other words. LOL

Your block looks great! I love your mermaid block, too. I think that's one of my favorites on SoHRH.

Anonymous said... 22

Everything is beautiful. I am amazed you get so much accomplished and work too. I love the grey and yellow block and how you lined up all the dots. Were the appliqué squares on the 2010 $5 Quilt done by hand or on the machine? I love all the patterns and how it turned out. Congrats on everything.

Ellen said... 23

What lovely stitching both on your Shore and quilt block. Also like your cute ort box..where did you find that?

Heidi Kuijer said... 24

Hi Jackie! The grey and cheddars really pop don't they!?! I love the latest stitched block. It is so cute to see the mermaid and goldfish. :-)

Hugs from Holland ~

Sparky said... 25

Your stitching is amazing and your block well I love this

Sally said... 26

Your finished block on Shores looks gorgeous.

I love your quilt block. So pretty.

valerie said... 27

Your Shores block 3 looks amazing! And so does your quilt block! I love the yellow/grey color combo.

Michele said... 28

I'm trying to simplify our holiday too. So far it's not going too well. I'm getting out more decorations than I'd planned on. I hope it goes better for you!

Melanie said... 29

I like the yellow and gray combo too. That doesn't sound like a good combo but visually it's really WERQing it. Very nice!
I have some quiet time coming up too - we just have to make it until then. Lol

geeky Heather said... 30

Congrats on finishing that block! I am also firmly in the "loving the yellow and gray combo" camp! Your quilts are always so lovely...I love seeing what color choices you come up with!