Saturday, November 3, 2012

No Obligation October

The past couple of weeks have flown by.  We all got to spend some time with my two nieces.  My two grown boys went with us to see them at my parents house and they had a blast too.  Even though they are so much older than their cousins they really made an effort to spend some good time with them.  We're hoping the girls will come see us next summer (without their parents).  As a mom and an aunt it's good to see the love and affection they have for each other.  It just warms my heart.
Now time for a Theme-a-Licious update.
October was Obligation October.  I have enough obligations so I decided to just stitch what I felt like stitching and forget about obligations.  I started the second block of Shores two weeks ago.  I expected the seaweed to give me tons of fits but surprisingly it didn't.  I put the last stitch into this block on the 31st.  This block went much faster than I thought it would.
Earlier in the month, I finished up another block on Anniversaries of the Heart.  This is block 9.  Since one bonus block was in the first row, I'm officially 2/3 of the way through this one.  As with the other blocks, I'm holding off on the personalizations until the end.  Maybe we'll see this finished in 2013?
I haven't stitched a stitch since these two were finished up on the 31st.  I'll probably pick out something to work on tonight or tomorrow.   Tomorrow will be a quiet day as my sweetie is going to a football game and my youngest son is at his fathers for the weekend.  I'm hoping to spend the day in the sewing room with some time stitching too.   I'll have a nice zen day before the craziness starts at work next week where I have some serious deadlines to meet.  At least I'll be starting the week off with some happy stitches and I hope you do too!


Simone de Klerk said... 1

How lovely to see your nieces. I remember you knitted vests for them (:
Lovely stitcheries you are working on.
Enjoy the time for yourself tomorrow.

Annie said... 2

Cute nieces. Your blocks look great. The shores one didn't have those big sold color blocks, so it looks like more fun to stitch to me than some of the others.

Hope you get some good stitchy time in tomorrow.

krayolakris said... 3

Jackie, your stitching is beautiful. Very inspiring!

Stitchy Mc Floss said... 4

Awesome stitching! :)

Brigitte said... 5

Two great projects for October. And congratulations on finishing the two parts.
I also plan on finishing my anniversaries in 2013 - although I'm only at house #4 right now. But maybe I'll get this one and the next stitched this year so that there will be only 7 left for next year.

Barb said... 6

How fun to have them visit.

Love your stitchery!

Annette-California said... 7

Darling nieces. Nothing like family all getting together. Shores block is beautiful. The silk threads do look amazing. Anniversaries of the Heart sampler is SO GORGEOUS Jackie. Love the colors. Congrats on on finishing the two. Hope your alright and made it thru storm sandy. I had been thinking of you.
love Annette

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 8

I love your stitching !
bisous de FRANCE

Deb said... 9

Both pieces look great Jackie! I hope that you can get a lot of stitching while you have the house to yourself!!

Tammy said... 10

Your neices are adorable. Glad you all had a fun trip/visit. Your stitchery is gorgeous. Sounds like October was one hectic month for you. And now it's time for all the holidays, hope it's not to hectic. Hugs!!

Tammy said... 11

Your neices are adorable. Glad you all had a fun trip/visit. Your stitchery is gorgeous. Sounds like October was one hectic month for you. And now it's time for all the holidays, hope it's not to hectic. Hugs!!

Dani - tkdchick said... 12

Jackie your nieces are adorable!!! Its so nice to see sisters that get along (I don't really get along with mine too well... tolerate her as an adult but childhood was well... rough).

You've done some beautiful stitching!

Giovanna said... 13

Nice progress on both - they're gorgeous!

Michele said... 14

How wonderful to spend time with family :-) No obligations.......what a great idea!

Mary said... 15

Hey Jackie! Any chance your nieces would be interested in becoming stitchers?

Loved seeing your progress on Shores. Nice work! I've purchased my copy of the chart, but still need to figure out the linen situation and any other changes I want to make.

Thanks for sharing!

Myra said... 16

Pretty stitches. I really need to restart Shores - It is such a pretty piece.

Anonymous said... 17

Stitching is ALWAYS a good way to start the week.

Your projects are cute!

Anonymous said... 18

Your nieces are so adorable! You are making great progress on Shores. Looking good!

Yana Hanim said... 19

I love your anniversary of the heart project :)

Carol said... 20

I'll bet you have the best time spoiling your nieces, Jackie--they sure are adorable :)

Love your latest finishes--glad the seaweed was easier than you predicted. Those HRH blocks sure can take a ton of time, can't they?

Nicola said... 21

I love family get togethers, your stitching is always beautiful. Thank you for your help with Ann Dale, much appreciated.

Siobhán said... 22

Your nieces are so cute! I am hoping that my kids will have a close relationship with their younger cousins--it's hard when there's a big age gap.

Your stitching is SO nice! As glad as I was to finish it, I do miss working on AotH.

Sally said... 23

Your nieces are so sweet Jackie.

Lovely progress on both your pieces. I really need to get my AotH finished next year!

Anonymous said... 24

Your stitching is so beautiful! Your nieces are growing up so fast, they are beautiful too. I know you will have fun with them this summer.

Catherine said... 25

Cute stitches and adorable nieces!

geeky Heather said... 26

LOL...I think you were "obligated" to take it easy for a month. =)

Karoline said... 27

Congratulations on finishing your blocks, they both look great.

Lovely photo of your nieces

Kathy Ellen said... 28

Your two little nieces are both adorable. How lovely to spend time with them.

Beautiful progress on the second block of 'Shores' & 'Anniversaries of the Heart'.


Unknown said... 29

your stitching amazes me, it's so's cross stitch right? i'm working on a small piece and thought of you and your beautiful work