Sunday, September 30, 2012


Heather's Theme-a-Licous theme for September was all about smalls.  I decided to go rogue and work on big projects instead.  Since I was on vacation at the beginning of September, I actually got a lot done compared to my typical progress.  I finished another block on Anniversaries of the Heart.  No personalization is being done on this until the end.  I have things sketched out in my head but need to do some planning before I start adding it.  As you can see, I also just started the border on the next block.  I've enjoyed this project so far and hope to finish it up next year.
In my last post, I gave you a sneak peek of a new project I was starting.  Actually, the sneak peek was just a picture of the linen and threads.  I started Shores of Hawk Run Hollow on our last day of vacation and was able to complete my first block.  I haven't touched it since but do hope to start the next block in November.  Block one was fun!
I'm often asked how I have the patience for stitching.  For me, stitching (as does knitting and quilting) gives me patience.  It soothes my mind and chases the stress away and obviously brings me much enjoyment.   I do wish it was just as easy to turn to exercise but ... ummm, that hasn't happened yet!  


Margaret said... 1

Your block for Anniversaries of the Heart is gorgeous! And yay for starting Shores! Wonderful first block! I'm glad you didn't stick with the smalls for September. :D

Catherine said... 2

Love both of these projects!!

Deb said... 3

Anniversaries of the Heart looks wonderful. It will be nice to see what kind of personalization you put on it. And good start on Shores of HRH! I think that is my favorite of all the ones that she did. I think that I got up to block Five - the large sailboat and puttered out. But I would like to get it finished on of these days because it reminds me of my father.

And I feel exactly the same about stitching - or quilting for that matter. It gives me patience at the end of the day. Your mind drifts and you relax. Unless the frogs come visiting - which has happened to me a lote lately.

ruthsplace said... 4

What wonderful stitching. I often comment that knitting is the reason I am more patient, especially when it comes to dealing with those who have a different sense of time to me...

Mary said... 5

Jackie, I love it that you chose to start Shores of Hawk Run Hollow! I think it will be my first new project for 2013, though I'm planning to do with a Florida/Caribbean feel. Love what you've done so far!

I have to agree - my stitching is what keeps me sane!

Carol said... 6

You do the most beautiful cross stitch!

Loraine said... 7

Oh, I love Anniversaries of the Heart. What a wonderful piece! Shores is fabulous too. I'm almost done with mine, I just need to have a little push to finish it up. Enjoy, it is a nice stitch!

Simone de Klerk said... 8

Such a pretty saying to the light house! Love the stitchery.
I don't think I find enjoyment in cross stitching, because somehow I always make counting mistakes. Concentration???

Annette-California said... 9

Oh how beautiful Shores of HRH is. Love your first block. The silk threads do add more dimension. Wow the BBD block is stunning. How gorgeous Jackie. The time you put in to your samplers certainly shows some beautiful results. Love them both.
love Annette

Annie said... 10

The BBD design looks gorgeous. I love those HRH designs, but I'd never attempt something that large. Your first block is looking great and I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed working on it so much.

First time I've ever heard 'going rogue' used in the stitching context! ;-)

Giovanna said... 11

They're both beautiful, well done. And you've described exactly what stitching does to me too :-)

Siobhán said... 12

Beautiful stitching, Jackie! I was just telling a friend that I missed working on AotH--that was such a fun stitch. LOVE your Shores, too!

I definitely relate to the stitching soothing your mind. It does that for me, too!

Vickie said... 13

Stitching brings me comfort also.
Do you know I have had every single one of the AotH charts and all the DMC threads for it for one year? The thing that held me up from starting it yet, is my lack of ability to pick a correct shade of 40 ct. I am so wishy washy on it. I get discouraged every time I pull it out again to make that decision. The size of it scares me!!

dixiesamplar said... 14

Looking good Jackie...can't wait to see the finish!

Glad to see you back to bloggin' sure to stop over and enter my giveaway.

Anonymous said... 15

Beautiful heirlooms. Stitching is a lovely and soothing way to unwind, you described it perfectly.

Sherrie said... 16

Beautiful work. Love the lighthouse block. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

Karoline said... 17

Congratulations on finishing the blocks on AoTH and Shores. They're both looking lovely

Aunt 'Reen said... 18

Anniversaries of the Heart is coming along so beautifully! Your Shores of Hawk Run Hollow looks wonderful too!

Ellen said... 19

Wow, Jackie! You've been busy! I love both of the pieces you showed and look forward to seeing more photos as you progress.

Katherine said... 20

Lovely stitching Jackie - takes me back to when I did AotH; I really enjoyed doing that project. And you are SO right; the needlework - even quilting for me, gives us patience.

Michele said... 21

Such lovely stitching Jackie! Your work is exquisite!

geeky Heather said... 22

They're gorgeous!! I think you're still fine...that house is very small compared to the birds around it, and you've done one small portion of HRH! =)

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 23

I love your stitching very beautiful,
bisous de France

Brigitte said... 24

Anniversaries looks really great. I'm stitching them as well but on individual pieces of fabric. I have already figuered out what names I'll stitch on them but not which house gets which name, lol. I have only two anniversaries finished because I want to restitch the January one - I don't like the fabric. All the other houses will have to wait for next year, maybe.
You started a great new project. I love the whole Hawk Run Hollow series and have all the charts but I think I have to wait until next year to stitch them - then I'll be retired.

woolwoman said... 25

Congrats on finishing your first block of Shores - I've worked on it off and on for several years and still am not finished with Block One - Oh well - it's the journey that counts right ! I love the progress on AoTH - I bombed on that one too - guess I need to sell my charts since I don't think I would ever pick it up again - I've even re-purposed the linen for something else. Mel

merumo said... 26

Great progress! I especially lige Anniversaries of the Heart a lot. Looks relaxing...

Dani - tkdchick said... 27

You've gotten a lot of great stitching done!!!

Great new start!

Carol said... 28

I've been away and am just now catching up on my blog reading, Jackie. So glad I didn't miss this post--what beautiful work you do! I just love Shores--not sure if I'll ever stitch another HRH piece, but I adore the detail in each little block :)

Heidi's Garden said... 29

Hi Jackie! Glad to see you are back to blogging and see your needles (stitching and knitting) have not been sitting still. How is your quilting coming along?

Good to hear you had a nice vacation tucked between all your work travel!

Hugs from Holland ~

Sally said... 30

They both look lovely Jackie. I'd love to get back to my AotH but waiting for my trading partner to finish with the last 3 charts!

Tammy said... 31

Jackie your stitching projects are just gorgeous. You are such a talented lady!!

Anonymous said... 32

I agree wholeheartedly. Stitching certainly taught me patience! For that matter, it taught me language that can curdle milk too... lol