Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jumani June!

I'm a couple of days late in posting my Theme-a-licous update for June. What else is new?
June's theme was Jumani June - which was defined as:
Is it a jungle out there in your stash? Give some love to the projects with animals or birds.

As I picked up AotH, I realized the block I was working on had swans on it. Score!
I probably had about 25% of this completed before June. Since June also entailed a week of vacation in the mountains, I was able to finish this block except for personalizations, which will come later. It's a beautiful block but probably my least favorite so far to stitch. You can see I also haven't gotten to those lazy daisy stitches in the previous block.

I didn't have a hobby filled weekend. We've decided to replace the carpet in our bedrooms and that has led to plans to repaint Jake's room and closet shelving reorgs. We still have some planning to do but the execution stage over the next few weeks will be a lot of work. Think emptying out closets. Ugh!

Oh, before I forget - I've started the over 1 stitching on Ann Dale. I've done very little over 1. Any of you out there have tips on technique? I know to not leave it all until the end but other than that, I could use some pointers!

Wishing you all a safe and happy 4th of July and a belated Canada Day!


Annie said... 1

The swan block is so pretty with those gorgeous hand-dyed colors. Too much off-white? Is that why it wasn't as much fun to do?

Best advice for over-one is "don't make any mistakes". It's a bear to frog!

Happy 4th!

Shay said... 2

Its beautiful Jackie!

Margaret said... 3

Beautiful work on the BBD piece! Over one. I can look up some links to how I do over one if you'd like. Let me know. Hopefully the links still work.

Deb said... 4

Your block looks very pretty Jackie. I can imagine that if it had more color it would have been more exciting to work on, but it's still very pretty.

I used to have a link for stitching over one but I can't find it. I think though that instead of doing a normal cross stitch, you did the first leg from upper right to lower left, then cross it from upper left to lower right and that would help with the threads not disappearing into the weave of the fabric. I assume you're going to do a cross stich and not a tent stitch?

Annette-California said... 5

OH Jackie this is gorgeous. Who's AotH? The colors are so pretty.
As for Ann I was reading what the comments before suggested. Oddly enough I'm stitching 2 over one for a Sal Halloween from Italy. So I think I understand what Deb suggested. I'm going to try it.
Beautiful work Jackie.

Patty C. said... 6

Great progress ;)

Lois said... 7

What nice progress on AoTH. The bits and pieces of over 1 I've done have always worked out okay (unless you have to frog and then it's horrible!!!)so I hope you find it the same.

Katherine said... 8

Love your AotH progress! Over one - if using DMC, you can stitch a row and go back, without losing your stitch if you do a long leg cross on the back. If using overdye, you can do it too, but work in smaller rows so you don't lose the variety of the color. Write me and maybe I can do a diagram.

Giovanna said... 9

The BBD is really pretty! Here's a good link for over-1 stitching: http://home.comcast.net/~kathydyer/nf_xstitch_tut.html#over_one

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 10

I love the BBD !!!! Bisous de FRANCE

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 11

I love the BBD !!!! Bisous de FRANCE

Dani - tkdchick said... 12

What a beautiful block but the colours seem so muted compared to the others I can see.

I've done ALOT of over one and big over one projects as well.

I treat it like regular cross stitch if its a big area across the row then back. If its more confetti like I complete each stitch as I go because sometimes it can be hard to find that one uncrossed stitch if the colours are similar.

Also tension is very important... pull that thread too hard and it just disappears!

Take your time, good light, and don't be afraid to use a magnifier there's no need to strain your eyes and end up hating the task!

Mrs.Pickles said... 13

lovely work!

Tammy said... 14

Good grief Jackie, you have been a busy girl. That is some hard work, but you'll be so thrilled with the end results it's worth it. Sorry to hear you haven't been at the hobbies as much, dog gone those pesky home improvements!! Hugs and Happy 4th!!

Mary said... 15

What a beautiful piece, Jackie! So glad what you were working on anyway fit the theme for the month.

Carol said... 16

Oh, how pretty!!! As for the over one--do what Deb suggested...that way the thread doesn't get "lost" behind the fabric threads...

woolwoman said... 17

Jackie - I love your swan block but I know stitching those that seem to fade into the linen are hard. What little over 1 stitching I have done (I avoid it like the plague) - I remember being most happy with doing a whole row and then coming back and crossing the X but like another commenter said - if you have a lot of color changes - it's best to cross them at the time. I have also heard when using small counts like 40ct that some people just do a tent stitch and don't cross the X at all. good luck ! Mel

Littlebit said... 18

Beautiful, Jackie! I love AotH and have it in the to-do basket. I just want to drop everything and start it each time I see someone else working on it.

Catherine said... 19

Beautiful stitches! Good luck with the over~one. Looks like you have some good advice already!

geeky Heather said... 20

Gorgeous swans!! I think from your other post you're doing well, but if I'm stitching over 1 with a solid color, I tent stitch the bottom legs then do regular for the upper legs. That way the legs never pop under the threads, and I don't have to worry about decreasing my tension so much. ;) This is the way Rae Iverson teaches over-one, although I can't remember if she has you tent the top leg, too.