Sunday, April 29, 2012

Vanilla Anyone?

****Contest is Now Closed****

For months I've been Pinning like crazy on Pinterest. Last September, I thought it was time to do more than Pin - it was time to start making a thing or two. I decided to make vanilla as a holiday gift. So I ordered vanilla beans from Amazon along with some 1oz amber bottles. All I needed after that was some vodka and a few weeks. That was in September. In December, I designed a very rudimentary label and tied on some twine.
My own bottle of vanilla from Penzy's was empty and still had a vanilla bean in it so I just poured some Vodka back in it and put it back in the cabinet. The bottles of vanilla I had made we gave as gifts for the holidays. I'd forgotten about it until my sister in law mentioned recently that she'd made custard (she is from England) and the vanilla flavor was awesome. We still have a couple of bottles left and they're just getting better and better with time.

Since I have a couple of bottles left, I thought I'd give away a bottle! If you're interested in my homemade vanilla, leave me a comment on this post. If you're a no-reply blogger, I won't have a way to contact you so please check - I think some of you might be surprised to find out you are. I'll draw a name later this week!

****Contest is Now Closed****


Margaret said... 1

Wow, how cool is that? I'd love a chance to win a bottle of your home made vanilla! I'm so impressed that you made your own!

Jennifer said... 2

Mmmmmm.......Vanilla! My favorite!

FlourishingPalms said... 3

This is a truly delicious giveaway! And gosh, if I won, I might even come and get it in person! Thanks for this lovely giveaway. If a win isn't in my future, I'll just have to try making my own. Sounds good! Thanks for sharing.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said... 4

I never would have guessed that there was vodka in vanilla. What a fun thing to make and give as a gift.

marie said... 5

Wow---voda in vanilla, who knew, not me. I'd love to win it, but for all of us who don't can you share the recipe?

Gene Black said... 6

Ooohhhh...mmmmm... Real home made vanilla? For sure I would love to have some. I know I am not a "no-reply blogger" so just pick me (((grin)))

Catherine said... 7

YUMMY! Please count me in!!

Littlebit said... 8

Jackie, how wonderful! But since I make my own vanilla, too, I will not ask to be in this yummy giveaway. Homemade vanilla is superior to all others!! Have you tried beanilla dot com?

Anonymous said... 9

I would LOVE to try it!!! Sounds wonderful!

Pokey said... 10

My vanilla interest is peaked! I would love to try yours, thanks for the opportunity ~

Feisty Irish Wench said... 11

Gosh, this sounds awesome~
My sister gave me a glass jar full of sugar with vanilla beans in it. It makes my coffee taste even better in the mornings.
I'd love to try this in some cookies. You do realize you may have happened upon a side biz, right?

Laurie in Iowa said... 12

Thanks for the opportunity to win a bottle of your homemade vanilla. Love the label and twine.

Deborah said... 13

Jackie, I would love a bottle of your vanilla. As a baker, I would love to try it. The bottle is lovely.

Jocelyn said... 14

Wow Jackie, aren't you clever and creative. This vanilla sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

QuiltSue said... 15

Oh that sounds wonderful. I love the smell and the flavour of vanilla. Since I live in the UK I'm guessing I'm not eligible for the giveaway, but I wish I was.

Annette-California said... 16

OH MY GOODNESS! HOMEMADE VANILLA! I didn't know you could make your own?
Jackie you amaze me. Yes I would love to bake some goodies using Jackie's Vanilla. Love your labels and bottles. What a perfect gift! I would love to get my hands on one of your bottles:)))

Carol said... 17

YUM! Jackie what a wonderful idea! I can almost smell the wonderfulness!

Annie said... 18

Well that's different! What a cool idea. Love the labeling too.

I'm going to pass on the contest since I'm such a non-cook. But feel free to send me any leftover home-made goodies with your vanilla as an ingredient! ;-)

Kathy P said... 19

Mmmm - homemade vanilla sounds yummie!!! Hope I win! Thanks for sharing!

paulette said... 20

I love vanilla and have never had home made vanilla!! Would love to try it...thanks for the chance! Sounds wonderful!

Tammy said... 21

Fabulous give away - I make my own vanilla too and have for several years now - I wouldn't go back to store bought. Just catching up in your blog, sounds like you've been busy with an unexpected trip, etc. My prayers are with you and your family!! Hugs.

Ellen said... 22

Hi Jackie

I'd love to win your homemade vanilla. Sounds yummy!

Loraine said... 23

Oh how wonderful! I love homemade vanilla, and I would love to participate.
How is your MIL? I see you are home now, and I hope that things are better. What a scary ordeal for all of you. I have prayed for you and thought of you often.
Thanks for asking about my MIL. Turns out she did not have Sepsis, but was allergic to some medicine she was taking. She is still having a rough go of things though, and I don't know if she will ever really recover from all of her health problems. It's so hard.
Take care and have a fabulous week!

valerie said... 24

Wow, I didn't know that vanilla extract had a vodka base! How cool to make your own. I'll pass as I already have two bottles in my pantry. I like vanilla!

Terri said... 25

Wow, I'd love to enter this giveaway! I've never had homemade vanilla before. And it's made with Vodka! Who woulda thunk? :-)

Daffycat said... 26

LOL I was just telling Dash how you can make your own vanilla extract with vanilla beans and vodka! I had to explain to him that it's a "bean" like a green bean pod not like a pinto bean!

*squee* enter me please!

Deb said... 27

I have never had homemade vanilla, so I'm curious!! I love how you've packaged it.

Brenda said... 28

I had no idea one could even make vanilla! So cool!! I'm inspired now... Oh, and thanks for the drawing.

Katherine said... 29

Jackie - that's so cool! Is it really that easy? Vanilla bean in bottle - just add vodka? I have got to try that!

krayolakris said... 30

Jackie, how clever!! Fantastic gift idea & your packaging is so cute! You are a woman of many talents.

Deb C. said... 31

I would kill to try some of this, LOL. I put vanilla in everything. It just makes it taste so much better.

Teresa said... 32

I have never heard of making your own vanilla and would love to try out yours. Please count me in!

Teresa said... 33

I have never heard of making your own vanilla and would love to try out yours. Please count me in!

geeky Heather said... 34

Ditto "squee", "didn't know you could make homemade" and "too cool". =) I'd love to win a bottle!

imquilternity said... 35

I made vanilla for Christmas gifts, but I didn't have the best luck with it. I think I used a vodka that was too inexpensive. I'm soooo glad yours turned out well. I also love how you bottled/packaged them. Very clever and professional looking. How fun. BTW, you left me one of the nicest comments I've ever received. Thanks so much!

Thelma said... 36

I didn't know this was even possible, count me in, would love to try your vanilla!

Lily said... 37

Hey Jackie! I just made my own vanilla recently and it's great! Hope you enjoyed yours. Thanks so much for your help with iphoto/flickr. I will also be adding myself to your list of followers! Lily.