Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's Been A While...

It's been a while since I've posted. Work is crazy. I'm coming home exhausted. This past week I didn't really pick up a needle of any kind which is very unusual. I'm now back to trying to at least stitch for 30 minutes during the week. It soothes me and I need it.

I've started another Block of the Month. I don't need another one but I love the red and thought it would be a good summer quilt. Air conditioning can be so chilly. This quilt is comprised of big blocks. I didn't crop out my Farmers Wife blocks so you could get an idea of the scale. Some of the seams were a bit bulky on this so I'll probably start pressing them open.
My Jardin January Theme-A-Licious progress on Ann Dale. We're supposed to post twice a month but I'm only going to do it once. Honestly, I don't have enough progress generally to post twice in a month.
Ann Dale Progress 2/1/12
Amber at a Little Bit Biased hosted a scrap giveaway and I won! I've already been sorting through it and have pulled some fabrics that I think will work well with my Farmers Wife blocks. It's been fun going back through her blog and revisiting the projects that resulted in the scraps she sent me. Thank you Amber!
Amber is not only a talented quilter but is also a talented designer. In the box of scraps she also sent me some of her patterns!
Last weekend, I spent at Camp Blanding at a retreat. Most of the people there were quilters. There were a few rug hookers thrown in. I always have a great time when I go. Here is a picture of our Florida sunset that I captured after dinner. It was a crisp evening (we've since turned the a/c back on) and the wind had died down so the lake was calm.
Florida Sunset
The sunset and the moon.
I turned 50 a couple of weeks ago. Being 50 doesn't bother me but I've done a lot of thinking about how quickly time seems to be passing. I'm really working on enjoying the present instead of looking towards the weekend. It's harder than it sounds! Right now, I'm enjoying the present watching Downton Abbey and putting a few stitches into Ann Dale! Wishing you all happy stitches!


*karendianne. said... 1

Oh Jackie, what a beautiful block with fantastic fabrics!!! Yummy. Your cross stitch is absolutely amazing. I so admire that sort of work. Thrilled you were able to attend the Blanding retreat. :) Warmly, *karendianne.

Margaret said... 2

Ooooh, I like the new project! So pretty! Ann Dale looks great too. Love all those fabrics you won as well. That sunset is spectacular! Wow! Hope you feel less exhausted in the evenings soon. Not fun.

Tammy said... 3

Your new block of the month is gorgeous, can't wait to see your progress as it comes together. What a fun win those scraps look beautiful and the patterns - what fun to get so many goodies. Happy Birthday a little late. Turning 50 is awesome, well it was till I got cancer, but hey, I'm 51 now so that year is behind me. I think being in your 50's is pretty cool, I think we tend to be more comfortable in our own skin and that's what life's all about, well that and enjoying all the moments, big or small. Keep on stitching, Hugs!!

Catherine said... 4

Loving the colors in Ann! Happy Belated Birthday! Gray sunset and moon pictures!

Pat said... 5

I really like that big block! I am thinking about doing a big block for the center of a baby girl's quilt and then get it up to the size I want by adding a couple of borders.

valerie said... 6

Happy Belated Birthday Jackie! Love the progress on Ann Dale and your quilting blocks. Don't those 30 minutes of stitching a day make all the difference. I am trying to get back to that too!

Patty C. said... 7

I love your quilt blocks - So beautiful & Lovely WIP - Great colors !!

Nicola said... 8

Your block is beautiful as always. Ann D is looking good, I love the colours.

What a lovely win.

Simone de Klerk said... 9

I'm happy you were able to find some time for your needle again!
Great win for you!
And beautiful pictures of the sun set.
Being 50+ now I sometimes do begin to think that I still want to do lots and lots. Never had that before. Probably because I am really enjoying the things I am doing (o:
Hope you find more time for your needle again.

Giovanna said... 10

Love your new projects - pretty start on Ann Dale. Take care.

Annie said... 11

Slow and steady.. that's the key. Even a little bit of stitching a day adds up. I think we all go through busy and less busy periods in life. And 50? You're still a baby in my book!

The red block is gorgeous! And Ann Dale is coming along nicely. Lots of fun new fabrics to play with too.

Take care and just do what feels right.

Ruth said... 12

I love your cross stitch project! It reminded me that I bought a new CS pattern right before Christmas and I forgot about it. I will get it out so I can start on it. Your sunset and moon pictures are gorgeous. I am also a fan of Downton Abbey. I love that series! I hope it doesn't end very soon.

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 13

que de merveilles ! bravo bisous bisous

Nancy said... 14

Beautiful quilt block Jackie! I love the red fabrics - it seems no matter what type of needlework technique it is everything always looks beautiful in red. Ann Dale is looking very pretty too!

Laurie in Iowa said... 15

Love the fabric in your new quilt block. You've got a nice start on Ann Dale.

paulette said... 16

Your block is wonderful and love your WIN!! You are ALWAYS worth the wait!!
I hated turning 50 but in a blink of an eye I will be turning 60 next birthday!! YIKES!! So enjoy your goes by SEW quickly!!

Deb said... 17

I just love the fabrics in that block and isn't is fun to work on something larger than those Farmer Wife blocks (those are just as pretty BTW).

Love your progress on Ann Dale - you've reminded that I need to order this chart. I love the colors of it!

Hope that work eases up for you. I know how frustrating it can be when you can't find time to stitch.

Connie Kresin Campbell said... 18

What a beautiful block! Have fun with all those scraps and how sweet to send you all those patterns! Happy 50th! My 61st is coming up, you've a long ways to go!

woolwoman said... 19

Jacke the sunset photos were awesome from the retreat - I have seen some of those same magnificent scenes at my folks lake which is near to Kingsley Lake. I was doing the same thing last night - watching Downton and putting "very few" stitches in Ann - I am having a hard time getting thru all that white on that first funky tree. Just not enjoying it so I am trying to power thru it. LOVE that red and white quilt - I can see why you were drawn in by that one. Your placement looks fantastic. Relish the day ! is something I try to remember also - cheers Mel

woolwoman said... 20

PS belated Happy B-day Jackie !

imquilternity said... 21

I really like what you're doing with the new red BOM. That's a great combination of fabrics you chose! It sounds like you are very busy, but I'm glad you've been able to set aside some sewing time. Lovely, lovely sunset too!

Mrs.Pickles said... 22

Happy belated birthday!!! Your blocks are very lovely!

FlourishingPalms said... 23

It's good to know you're finding and making stitching time, even in the midst of too much work and tiredness. Your annual Camp Blanding retreat must have been wonderful. And your sunset pictures are sure beautiful. I can't wait until I I can see them nightly for myself! (Gosh, you get a LOT of comments on your posts!)

Michele said... 24

Your new block of the month is gorgeous! I can see why you were pulled in! I'm glad you got to go to the retreat, even though you have been busy with work. Your pictures are lovely.

Sally said... 25

I love seeing your blocks Jackie. This one is just beautiful.

Gorgeous progress on Ann Dale.

Happy Belated Birthday!

Mylene said... 26

Belated Happy Birthday Jackie!

You've made good progress on the quilt blocks and such beautiful colors.
Lovely progress on Ann Dale too.

Sunset and the moon pictures looks great!!

Siobhán said... 27

Happy belated birthday, Jackie!

Congratulations on winning the giveaway! I love those quilt blocks--the colors are so pretty! Nice stitching progress, too.

MoonBeam said... 28

The red quilt block is gorgeous. So is your start on Ann.

Retreat photos are beautiful, too.


Annette-California said... 29

Lovely quilt blocks. Good progress on Ann Dale sampler.
Annette - California

Krispian said... 30

HAppy Birthday! Great work on the quilting and well done winning the competition!

I love the colours.

Carol said... 31

♫♪♫ Happy Belated Birthday, Jackie! ♫♪♫

Welcome to your's really not that bad...

I think this newest block is my favorite one yet--just love the red and white!

We are having a snowy, cold weekend here so I really appreciate those wam looking photos :)

Unknown said... 32

So good to see a post from you! Beautiful quilt block and Congratulations on turning 50 :) It's a beautiful age for a woman! I'm in love the Downton Abbey too!

Melanie said... 33

Happy Belated Birthday!! :)

Love the new block. Red and white together is such a classic, classy color combo.