Monday, April 25, 2011


I've finished Jenny Bean Halloween!  I enjoyed every minute of her.  
Shakespeare's Peddler
Jenny Bean Halloween
Gentle Art JBH Sampler Pack
Lakeside Linen 40ct Vintage Pearled Barley

The picture looks wonky but it's not.  I was taking the picture with one hand while holding the scroll up in the air against the side of the house.  Between all that and the wind, I'm happy the picture is not blurry.

Happy Monday and Happy Stitches!


Susan said... 1

It's just beautiful, Jackie!

TeresaB said... 2

WooHoo! Looks fantastic. Now you'll have something to show on Sat. when we're at sampler guild.

Tanya Marie said... 3

Awesome finish!!


Tammy said... 4

It's awesome Jackie - you do beautiful work. So glad you enjoy it so much.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said... 5

Jackie, it turned out wonderful! Congratulations on finishing it. I have a tendency to start projects and never finish them.

Anonymous said... 6

Love the fish bones. LOL

Congratulations on the finish. It's awesome!

Annie said... 7

What fabulous stitching! I love it. Perfect fabric and those hand dyed threads are really make the piece.

Poussy Stitches My Love said... 8

oh very beautful !!
have a good day

marylin France

Maria said... 9

Congratulations on that great finish. It is beautiful.

Deb said... 10

The things that one goes through to get a good photo op. Why can I envision you trying to get the perfect picture. But you did, and it looks wonderful. I can see why you enjoyed stitching it!

Deborah said... 11

Great finish!!

woolwoman said... 12

looks great Jackie - congratulations on the finish !


Margaret said... 13

I love your finish!!! Congrats -- it's wonderful!

Barb said... 14

Just awesome!!

Laurie in Iowa said... 15

Your finish looks great. Congratulations!

Theresa said... 16

Gorgeous finish!!!! Such a whimsical piece~~

valerie said... 17

Yay! Congrats! JB looks wonderful!

Vinniey said... 18

Jenny Bean Halloween is beautiful. Very nice stitching, Jackie.

Sylvia said... 19

Yay, congrats! That was such a fun sampler to stitch.

Yours looks great.

Nancy said... 20

Congratulations on your finish! Your Jenny Bean is just wonderful!

Carol said... 21

Well done, Jackie! I just love this piece and can see why you enjoyed stitching it so much :)

staci said... 22

Congrats Jackie on an absolutely awesome finish!!!

Ranae said... 23

Beautiful JB finish!

Sue said... 24

Beautiful finish!!

Lois said... 25

What a great finish!

Mylene said... 26

It looks great! Congrats on finishing it Jackie. Love the design.
Have a lovely week.

mdgtjulie said... 27

Grats on the finish. I love the border on this piece, it's so cute!! What's up next?

Katrina said... 28

congrats on a wonderful finish :)

imquilternity said... 29

LOL! It's lovely and such a LOT of work!

Carolyn NC said... 30

Congrats - awesome finish!

Ivory Spring said... 31

Congrats on the finish, Jackie! You even stitched it on 40ct -- I am super impressed!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment so that I can visit you back. I look forward to being a "blog" friend and seeing all your projects.

Heidi said... 32


Congratulations on your finish. I love this design. I have the JB Christmas sampler. Need to put this one on my wish list.

Hugs from Holland ~

Berit said... 33

Okay, GORGEOUS! My itch to stitch this is intensifying! Did you use the LE thread pack or the charted fibers?

Kim D. said... 34

It's beautiful Jackie! I don't do much cross stitch but this spring I bought a pretty fall pumpkin pattern that I hope to make preferably this year. :^).

Giovanna said... 35

Gorgeous finish - congratulations!

Sally said... 36

Oh wow what a fantastic finish Jackie! This one keeps going on and off my wish list but seeing yours it might just be going back on!

Betty Lou said... 37

I used to do a lot of counted cross stitch, and I think that samplers are the BEST, especially the old ones. Nice work, are you going to frame it? Hugs

Simone de Klerk said... 38

What a great finish!!! Beautiful work, Jackie! How long was it, that you have been stitching. You are so advanced!!!

imquilternity said... 39

Hey Jackie! Congratulations on winning the First Choice Boxers giveaway at Alderwood Quilts blog! I just read about it over there.

Scrap said... 40

wonderful ! congrats !