Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dyeing and Good News!

Last week I decided to dye a skein of yarn. Just one skein. By the time it was over, I'd somehow managed to dye my fingers, my shirt, and the counter tops along with the yarn! Fun! I need to keep the dye in the pot and on the yarn!

I mentioned last week that I'd had a stressful week at work. What I didn't mention at the time is that is was stressful due to testing for an interview for a promotion. One hour written testing and a 2 hour gruelling role playing test. I hope I never have to do that again. I passed both tests so I was granted an interview and I found out this week the job is mine! My official start date is the 1st but I've already taken over some duties. I also fly out to Charlotte on Monday to spend the week which should be fun! I hoping to get some time at the sewing machine this weekend figuring out those Y seams. Thank you Candace for sending me a video link. I hope that will get it through my head. Also, big thanks to YarnJourney for solving my blogger photo issues!


Barb said... 1

That is awesome about the job....Great going!!!! and the dye job, well, it looks good but I would have loved to have seen your hands.

Marie said... 2

So happy to hear about the new job, good luck. The dyeing sounds like what I would have done some everywhere. Safe trip. Hugs, Marie

Corrina said... 3

Congratulations sweetie!

Brenda said... 4

OMG the process you had to go through for the new job sounds awful. Glad you made it through with flying colors...congrats!

Anonymous said... 5

Congratulations on the promotion and your beautiful dyed yarn. I love the colors you achieved. They make me think of an ocean breeze.

Teresa said... 6


Hey, you do know that Mary Jo's is only about 30 min from Charlotte! I was just there last night and came away with some great fabrics.


Candace said... 7

I love the yarn, Jackie - at least it will go with your new color fingers - LOL!
Congratulations on the promotion, too! I've never heard of such testing, but way to go!

Debbie said... 8

CONGRATULATIONS Jackie!!! I knew it!I knew it! I'm thrilled for you.

The skeinof yarn looks pretty too:)

Kitty said... 9

Congratulations on getting the new job ... and on dying that wonderful yarn - my favourite colours. Can't wait to see what you make with it. x

TeresaB said... 10

I'm so glad you got the job! I really thought you would. Good to know the stress was worth it though.

and I love the dye job.

Jean in Georgia said... 11

Woo Hoo! Congrats on the new job! Be sure to take knitting with you on the trip to pass the time away from home. :)

Lori Holt said... 12

Thats one good end to a stressful week, congrats!
I love the story about the dye, well everything matches now:)

Ruth's Place said... 13

Congratulations on your promotion.

The yarn is lovely.

Karen said... 14

The yarn turned out so pretty. What will you be making with it? I can just imagine what my kitchen would look like if I was dying yarn. Congratulations on the new job!

Simone de Klerk said... 15

Gefeliciteerd! And I love your dyed yarn. Lovely bright colors.

Micki said... 16

The yarn turned out beautiful and congrats on the new job!

Daisymum said... 17

Congrats on the job!!!!!!!!!Sorry to hear about your conter top, but the finished product looks worth it. It is very beautiful.

Chris Daly said... 18

Congratulations Jackie!! I love the yard. I use a big restaurant bus tub under my dyeing supplies so is it spills it is contained.

Malissa said... 19

Huge congratulations on your good news! I'm so glad you commented on my giveaway so that I could find your blog. It went into my reading list.